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Agree with the OP. Hide as it is feels out of place in a game that stresses realism, and a track mechanic makes so much sense considering the era and necessity of tracking game. I like the text pop up version, as opposed the the EQ version that just lets you see everything around you and points with a big arrow.
Possible modifiers to your ability to be tracked is how fast you were moving, overall weight (Body weight + encumbrance), type of footwear (barefoot and moccasins probably leave less distinctive tracks than a pair of Nikes or plate boots), terrain (tracking across rock is nigh impossible, soft ground easy), and weather (tracks obscured by rain, new snowfall).
Creating actions like going prone, leaning (to look out around trees) and equivalents to ghillie suits, along with replacing Hide with Stealth (harder to track, move quietly, unlock additional stealthy actions), would add significantly more realism and more depth to hunting/scouting/stealthing than the current hide mechanic.
Something that goes along this line, but what if Perception improved your max visual range/targeting range/targeting hitbox of opponents? That would make it very useful, and I think a literal interpretation of perception.