[QUOTE=benz17;59756]Are you a part of any honourable guild? Hehe. Played 11 servers and your name doesn't ring a bell, then again, I didn't play them all.

Anyways, I'm highly disappointed with the direction things are going but still going to give it a shot. It's still better than 24/7 Darkfall grind, cartoonobearish Rift, checking my email for beta invitation to another (slightly less) cartoonobearish Faxion, or boring wait for GW2.

Might be even better than completing Dragon Age 2 in 3 days or something, didn't even download it yet. Go go Xsyon.[/QUOTE]

Well roll with Kaines in all my character names.
Windreaper kaines was my character that was a guildleader of a sub to DoF on Mourning.
Stinkybeard Kaines was my character that was a guildleader of secret society r8 tree on small desert on mourning as well.( this one was while the chinese zerg came)

I roll with alot of names so might be confusing.
Cool to see HoE :d.