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  1. #1
    Everything in life is a grind; it's just a matter of perspective.

  2. #2
    Its too bad you don't like it. I think you are only looking at it superficially. You are only looking at the first phase of the game which is the rebuilding of mankind. Since there are no cities, these must be build up first and will take a couple of months (guessing). If you enjoy world building, this time will be for you. After that however, will come the politics, the trading, the questing through totems, and a host of other social interactions that will make the world come alive. If you don't like the earlier phase, I would recommend you take a look in a few months, and it may be a little less world building oriented.

  3. #3
    Actually coming from Darkfall I would say this game "fun value" makes doing crafting seem as though its not a grind. I am not a fanboi so I see your point though. Would be neat if they could put interactive systems in play similar to lockpicking in Oblivion for crafting and gathering. Overall i am having a good time, but the wipes got to me.

  4. #4
    8. You're quite contradicting yourself here to be honest. Why should they have to run on thngs that don't get run? How many self-respectable gamers still run on Pentium? A game shouldnt lower their graphics for no longer buyable machines to be able to run it.

    Now that's quite ridiculous, and you know it. If you can't be honest, then you = fail.


  5. #5
    To be honest, its why i decided to go the combat route, which turned into having to gank route.

    Took about 3 days of crafting hard to realize what it was going to be like the rest of the game.

    I think that if the focus of this game is going to be crafting, not combat, or pvp, or community interaction and chat, then they really do need something to make the resource and crafting aspects more than just repetition. Perhaps give me an active way to influence the design or hidden stats of the items im creating.

    The OP does have a point, and i know its a big sore spot for the community to point this out, it involves a whole lot of staring at a slow moving cast bar, even if it was fast, theres little interaction past adding the materials in the craft action window. And scavanging is rather boring, your lying to yourself if you think it isnt.

    i expect to get flamed on anything i write so im not afraid to agree with the OP that the crafting (since this is to be the focus of the game right?) does need some pizzaz added to it.

  6. #6
    So what your saying is you can't handle the hard work behind crafting and took the easy route out? Thats funny really. Your a quitter and even admit it. A PvPer who found carebear life TOO HARD.

    Ok joking aside, you play this game as if your playing the life of your character. If you for one second try to play it like a progression type game you will fail at it. It is not about reaching cap, it is not about pushing for the next level. If this is what yoru into then please go someplace else, because that is not what this game is. Some of you may not like to be told this, but it is the truth. Dont make it worse for yourself, if your not able to play this game as it is, just go away.

  7. #7
    To the OP..

    I dont think MMORPG games are for you at all, may i recommend FPS games as they are instant gratification you can jump in and do what ya want. MMORPGs are all about character development things are suppose to take time thats what makes people stick around so long. For example WOW has an item grind you hit 80 or err 85 now and its jsut constant grind donig the same dungeons over and over and over and over and over until you have all the latest gear then blizzard release a patch or exp thats adds a load more gear so off you go again. Games like This and Darkfall is a stat grind where you have to get your skills up by actually performng the task associated with that skill... They are just differnt ways to develop your character and for me a major part of a MMORPG. If you dont like this kinda thing then MMORPG games are not for u.

  8. #8
    Maybe this game is for you and you just do not realize it yet.

    I am unsure as to whether you play solo or are a member of a tribe (may have missed it in the thread), but...

    Perhaps if you play solo then try joining a good tribe. Working with others in this game opens up so so much more. Yes I know there is a draw to being a loner and living off the land but that is like advanced mode and with all the current game issues and such, this may not be the time to play advanced mode.

    Heck the tribe I am in is at war with another tribe within visual distance. At first we really disliked each other but after a whole day of pvp (1v1 to 6v6), we have grown to somewhat respect each other... no griefing or name calling or anything but lots of "nice fight", "wow you hit hard", "aww you took my pants... again". Heck they even come by and hang out with us at our campfire.

    And on top of all that we have most of our walls up, stacks and stacks of surplus resources and can make all the tool types. Heck we have even started trading with other local tribes and homesteads and they come by to visit.

    Our tribe has only been there two days.

    This is not intended as a shameless brag or anything of the sort but just an example of what is possible. Even with all the lag and game issues this has been the most enjoyable two days I have had in a game since UO beta.

    Just give it some time. Heck, you already have it paid up for the next 2-3 months so what have you to lose?

  9. #9
    Personally, I find this game to be very relaxing. I have enough of stress in my life without having to go into a game for more. I enjoy fishing, foraging, exploring, hunting, scavenging and crafting. Add to that, a little suspense of someone sneaking up behind me to kill me makes it more intriguing. I always put all my good stuff in my tribes basket before I go out in the wild. Hell, if I lose my hatchet or fishing pole, screw it, there is another one back at the tribe. If there isn't, someone can craft it for me. I am not a big crafter, but as long as I pull my weight and bring back stuff for the guys to make stuff, it's all good. Working together as a team is the key to success in this game.
    Also, a good leader makes all the difference in the world.

    Soloing is going to be tough because of PvP full loot. I guess it could be done, but it can become very aggravating at times the way I see it.

  10. #10
    1. It's an RPG based on skills that level while you are doing them.
    2. I'm an architect so I don't really have to grind up craft skills.
    3. Chopping trees in Xsyon actually makes sense, you chop the tree and it falls over right in front of you, then you determine if you want to cut it up into small or large pieces.
    4 Terraforming is my most favorite thing about this entire game, I can shape the world the way I see fit.
    5. Crafting requires help from many people and is one of the best ideas that I've seen for this game, you can't be a pure solo player, after all it's an MMO.
    6. Combat is continually being worked on and optimized and now that they have a new programmer dedicated to the combat we should start to see some nice changes/additions to the combat.
    7. Walls are optional, however there are gates as well that haven't been released yet- in order to get into your city they will have to siege there way in.
    8. Graphics to me are decent and because they are not as graphic heavy in this game more people will be able to run Xyson with a better ping/fps.

    Last thing you talk about is how confusing it is, I admit that there's a learning curve but to me that's one of my top things I like with new mmo's- learning how to play. I don't feel like I need an in game guide telling me what to do, I like exploring the controls just as much as I like exploring the world.

    However, you are probably right- Xsyon just might not be for you.

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