You have some problems on your side with the second to last paragraph. Full screen I have no problems with "clicking", but if I pick an awkward resolution for window mode I do have to click a little lower than the center of emote icons. Barely noticible.

Also by the second to last and last paragraph it's pretty clear you haven't read much about the game. Search the FAQ section and throughout the forums for future features. The game isn't done yet we are starting off in prelude to create the foundation of the gaming world as players. It's probably the current lag on your UI problem. Bad movement and graphics? Change your key binds....? The shadows just seems low resed you probably have to up your shadow res or turn on advanced shadows... I don't remember.

~All in all it seems like as sionide said, this isn't your game. When I first started it was before the 18th and I had no clue what to do, but I learned a lot without videos or help. I like the cluelessness and feeling that you're really lost when you're really lost.

So what did I do? I asked myself, what did I want to do? So I explored until I found someplace that seemed like a nice place to call home. Then I built a fire.... searched around the lake... stole some bins/containers...discovered that the green mist is not friendly.

The point is that you aren't directed. You get to do whatever you want as long as you have the tools "in game and out" to get there.