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  1. #1
    You made your point, and I explained why it currently works as it is. it will change in time no doubt. but its not a priority right now.
    this should be posted in the tweaks section and not in prelude talk in the first place.

    this is a game that always need work, it wil never ever be perfect. you have a point to talk about or like to see changed, make a constructive post (your done that) and let people discuss it. if you want to reply yourself again you need to bring valid points to the table. and not simply repeat what you said before. that brings it nowhere.

    -I- don't see this isseu as a priority, it gives you and the baddies a save spot to retread tho. it gives you and them control, it stops -grief-attemps that would be possible in a flagging system.
    in time it will get better.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Chavoda View Post
    You made your point, and I explained why it currently works as it is. it will change in time no doubt. but its not a priority right now.
    this should be posted in the tweaks section and not in prelude talk in the first place.

    this is a game that always need work, it wil never ever be perfect. you have a point to talk about or like to see changed, make a constructive post (your done that) and let people discuss it. if you want to reply yourself again you need to bring valid points to the table. and not simply repeat what you said before. that brings it nowhere.

    -I- don't see this isseu as a priority, it gives you and the baddies a save spot to retread tho. it gives you and them control, it stops -grief-attemps that would be possible in a flagging system.
    in time it will get better.
    Ok so lets go over some valid points.

    It does not allow greifing as again no one can attack you first but you may attack the person trespassing on your land. If you belive they are stronger then yourself then you grab a few tribe mates and all attack him and kill him but he should be able to defend himself.

    Your second argument was people sitting outside tribe land and hit provoking...i dont see how that is really plausible. The player makes the decision and if you attack somone you should be flagged to them so they may defend themselves.

  3. #3
    Do you know you can walk on someones land and steal (sort) of any pile cloth/metal/plastic/leather. or just collect grass and scrap.

    Do you realize people can and will camp you out by sittin ontop of whatever it is they seen you going to. sand,grantie,junkyard,water.

    do you know there are tribe and solo player. small and large tribes.

    I know you want a flagging system in place and hey I agree , it would be nice to have a adv flagging system, but right now its design is simple and if you now remove the savety flag of people that are engaged in combat the game would become instand pk heaven.

    I spent about 4 hours last night camping out a small tribe of gankers who untill then had free roam and were pestering the neiborhood.if I and the tribe next door I made friends whit could have hit them on thier tribal land they would not even have had time to heal up after spawning.

    theres a reason it is as it is right now, whitout it there is a real chance -you- or anyone else would get spawncamped untill you log off.
    PvP aint civil not the "evil" tribes or the "good" tribes. once people go on a war path for wahtever reason they might have they will try to get absolute victory true any means avalible.

  4. #4
    talk about a one sided grief mechanic...just looks like a reason for people to grief others.

    1. other person can not fight back
    2. can there really be laws in a world where huge devastation hit mankind.
    3. grief mechanic
    4. god like protection
    5. defend your lands? from what, the guy fishing in the lake

    I think this pretty much sums it up.

    Like who would risk stepping on someone else's land where they are at risk and can not even defend themselves, talk about completely unrealistic and failed mechanic , like this will just create more ganking and griefing for people who are not part of that small enclosed community.

    would you dare try trade with others in their tribal lands? o.0

  5. #5
    There's supposed to be a war declaration system eventually isn't there? Then tribes can attack other tribes.

    Until then, there is PLENTY of open land in the game to pvp in; the tribe radius isn't so huge that you will constantly be walking through tribal land.

    Just wait for the war declarations, then it will be fine; in the meantime.. build up your tribe or fight in open ground.

  6. #6
    ive posted about this like 3 weeks ago, still no answer, still people who seem to dont understand, or who plan to stay in their tribe area and enjoy killing people who enter and cannot defend back? this is a NONSENSE is completly POINTLESS, this mechanic should change NOW but devs still silent about it, this do not catter the carebear playerbase, this is like a gift? they can stay on their tribe area and gank anyone, noob or veteran who pass thru. Is not me the one who will be going to another tribe area to trade...because they could kill me and loot me without me being able to defend.

    people who say this works fine is just plain stupid, no debate there.

    PD: i honeslty ask myself if ppl do read and understand whats happening here, cos i dont undertstand some answers

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceReaper View Post
    talk about a one sided grief mechanic...just looks like a reason for people to grief others.

    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceReaper View Post
    1. other person can not fight back

    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceReaper View Post
    2. can there really be laws in a world where huge devastation hit mankind.
    Ummm, selective realism. Either go all the way, or stop whining.

    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceReaper View Post
    3. grief mechanic

    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceReaper View Post
    4. god like protection
    Yup, we have old gods rising and stuff. Yah, its not realistic, who cares, lots of stuff isnt realistic.

    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceReaper View Post
    5. defend your lands? from what, the guy fishing in the lake
    If you politely ask if you can fish on tribal territory, i guess youll get your answer very soon. One way or the other.

    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceReaper View Post
    Like who would risk stepping on someone else's land where they are at risk and can not even defend themselves,
    Thats the idea, what the heck you are doing on another tribes territory if you have no business there and havent established any form of communication with that tribe?

    Quote Originally Posted by PrinceReaper View Post
    would you dare try trade with others in their tribal lands? o.0
    Yah, the ones that are respectable, ones that are known gankers/griefers - no way.

  8. #8
    i wonder why is always this HOPIE TRIBE guys the ones who defend this things? DO U REALLY WANT A GAME LIKE THIS?, do u really want to go to other tibe area and get killed without being able to fight back? it makes nonsense but OH..WAIT...u will tell me to stay in my tribe land building my house, or to just go around the tribe area so i dont get killed right? stupid arguments tbh, this is a sandbox, and this mechanics is not working properly, but im sure ill see another person from hopi tribe or another carebear tribe who will try to defend this mechanic.

    PD: im sure ur intelligence dont let u see how u would still be GOD PROTECTED in ur tribe area if u dont attack the intruder...but if u do he should be able to fight back. POINT

    now HOPI TRIBE plz stop defending wrong mechanics or u will make the game fail. it will still be carebearish enought for u so dont worry

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by carlosfc1986 View Post
    i wonder why is always this HOPIE TRIBE guys the ones who defend this things? DO U REALLY WANT A GAME LIKE THIS?, do u really want to go to other tibe area and get killed without being able to fight back? it makes nonsense but OH..WAIT...u will tell me to stay in my tribe land building my house, or to just go around the tribe area so i dont get killed right? stupid arguments tbh, this is a sandbox, and this mechanics is not working properly, but im sure ill see another person from hopi tribe or another carebear tribe who will try to defend this mechanic.
    Working good, i dont want to go to another tribe area if im not welcomed there, its their little circle where they make the rules.

    Quote Originally Posted by carlosfc1986 View Post
    PD: im sure ur intelligence dont let u see how u would still be GOD PROTECTED in ur tribe area if u dont attack the intruder...but if u do he should be able to fight back. POINT
    You are perfectly fine to go around the area. I guess it is matter of intelligence.

    Quote Originally Posted by carlosfc1986 View Post
    now HOPI TRIBE plz stop defending wrong mechanics or u will make the game fail. it will still be carebearish enought for u so dont worry
    Thank you for your input.

    EDIT: to the OP: most of the tribes will let you walk through if you dont cause trouble or if they know you, interact with people, ask permission, behave, stay clear of known ganker/griefer ones and you will be just fine. It is a MMO, and interacting with others is one of staples of MMOs.

  10. #10
    It was made this way because people would grief the tribes, so they gave the tribes a way to get rid of those that were doing the griefing.

    However, you shouldn't be on another tribe territory if you do not know they tribe or have a valid reason to be there.

    If you are there to steal resources then run, run run!!!

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