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  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Zephyr View Post
    /signed. All you people bandying about words like "broken" and "bug" clearly have never worked in software development. It seems to me people just want to get rid of the griefing-free zones. And that's an opinion.
    of course all non-consensual pvp is griefing right *smirk*

    but the system is working as intended...don't go into someone elses house unless you want to [potentially] get your face beat in and not be able to do anything about it. seems pretty simple

  2. #72
    Welcome to Xsyon, the World Building game with a side-order of FFA-PvP

    If Jooky stays true to the design his been selling since he started creating Xsyon, then there are going to be many frustrated and crying PK'ers and griefers on these forums.

    The deck is stacked in favour of the world builders, not the destroyers. The current safe-zone implementation is a clear indication of that.

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by jokhul View Post
    Welcome to Xsyon, the World Building game with a side-order of FFA-PvP

    If Jooky stays true to the design his been selling since he started creating Xsyon, then there are going to be many frustrated and crying PK'ers and griefers on these forums.

    The deck is stacked in favour of the world builders, not the destroyers. The current safe-zone implementation is a clear indication of that.
    Dont be to comfy tho, work on getting friends and allies people might be relative save now but war, War never changes.

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Chavoda View Post
    Dont be to comfy tho, work on getting friends and allies people might be relative save now but war, War never changes.
    If I understand you correctly, you're referring to the fact that the devs want to remove the safezones after the "Prelude" period. And you do have a good point. The no-griefing zones are temporary features set up to give the world-builders a head start. Anyone who does not have their house in order and their defenses secured by the time pvp rules are relaxed post-Prelude is in for a world of hurt. And I am looking forward to the challenge of defending society against the forces of chaos.

  5. #75
    Seems to be fine as it is, at least until we've all had more time to build. I've only been killed on tribeland once by someone I thought was one of the tribe members of that land. And I was scavanging resources!

    Other times I've passed through tribe lands without so much as a friendly wave, people have seen me and just watched me go by, as I was clearly travelling and not foraging, fishing, scavanging, or lurking. I've even run out of breath and sat to rest on tribal land without anyone running up to attack.

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Dweetybyrd View Post
    /agree 100%
    Me, too. People should at least be able to defend themselves once they have been attacked.

    It's not removing safe zones, because they still wouldn't be allowed to attack you. But if you do attack them then they can defend themselves. I do not see what the issue is.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by mrcalhou View Post
    Me, too. People should at least be able to defend themselves once they have been attacked. I do not see what the issue is.
    It's to deter gankers/griefers from disrupting the world-building process during the Prelude period. Some of you guys need to accept the fact that the focus of the Prelude is not Pvp, it's rebuilding civilization.

  8. #78
    Some of this is really starting to crack me up. This theme is especially humorous.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eremon View Post
    It's to deter gankers/griefers from disrupting the world-building process during the Prelude period. Some of you guys need to accept the fact that the focus of the Prelude is not Pvp, it's rebuilding civilization.
    - Footnote on history: civilizations don't build up peacefully
    - Footnote on general animal behavior: If you're going to be 'non agressive' (ie. a deer, gazelle or bunny rabbit) you need to live life with your head on a swivel watching, listening, for predators. By not playing the game (and playing your own imagined version of what the game is) really make yourself the victim.

    Hints to not being a victim:
    1. if you're gathering in trash...when approaching trash, stop and listen. you can hear if others are moving about or sorting. use your mouselook and do a 360 to make sure no one else is around and or/approaching you.
    2. toggle sneak and creep up the side of the pile till you have a higher vantage point. you toggle sneak because it makes you walk silently. If you see other people engage fight or flight or pray they wont attack me response.
    3. when gathering, keep your head on a swivel...use mouselook to scan around while you're picking up the stuff.
    4. dont overload yourself. Slow prey is dead prey.
    5. if you see someone, they ARE DEFINITELY A THREAT IF THEY ADVANCE TOWARD YOU. drop your stuff, press x to sprint and haul ass the other way/back to camp.
    6. pause every now and then while gathering to listen...wood chopping, trash jingling, all signs of aother players nearby.

    Just as irl, you make yourself a victim when you do not pay attention to your surroundings and/or do not react to potentially threatening situations in a timely or appropriate manner. It is not the game's fault that you werent paying attention so i was able to sneak up behind you and plant a pick in the back of your skull.

    If you want to avoid pvp, all the tools exist for you to do just can't be lazy, you must be vigilant about maintaining awareness of your surroundings.

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    Lengthy irrelevance omitted
    1. Game is not "real" life.
    2. Don't need a lesson on staying alive in a Pvp game. As a Vietnam Vet, I have more than enough experience with real PvP.

    The issue is safe zones, and what transpires within them from a Pvp perspective. The game has rules in that regard to limit and dissuade pvp in safe zones during Pvp. End of story.

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Eremon View Post
    1. Game is not "real" life.
    2. Don't need a lesson on staying alive in a Pvp game. As a Vietnam Vet, I have more than enough experience with real PvP.

    The issue is safe zones, and what transpires within them from a Pvp perspective. The game has rules in that regard to limit and dissuade pvp in safe zones during Pvp. End of story.
    No...if your read the reason for this thread you would realise this is not an issue with the game having safe zones..its an issue with the mechanic within the safezone.

    Please read about the thread before posting

    This is about people being able to defend themselves if attacked.

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