Just to make myself "Clear" this is NOT a thread about how there should or or should Not be SafeZones in the game.

This thread is about a broken game mechanic within the SafeZones.

I tested this in three diffrent tribe lands to be sure and found that if i walk on a tribes land they can attack me "Without" me provoking them or taking resources and yet they remain completly "INVULNRABLE" to my attacks so there is no self defense.

If this is the way it is supposed to be then it is an appaling game mechanic as the attacking party should at least become flagged to you so you may defend yourself.

Now i realise Fanboy trolls will say "Well then don't walk on a tribes land" but quite honestly how can you take away somones ability to defend themselves if they choose to run through somones land to cut off a 5-10 min walk around or more. I see plenty of tribes set up shop in valleys that will take a person even 20 mins to find a walk around.

I don't mind at all that somone can attack me for simply walking through their land but i should be able to defend myself.

This game mechanic needs serious discussion.

We need to hear the Devs come forward and justify Allowing someone to attack and loot you without provacation other then walking through their land while remaining completly invulnrable. I think we should receive a list of details explaining why this is being implemented as well as why no other alternatives will work.

Thoughts and opinions please.