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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by orious13 View Post
    Armor means nothing until combat is fixed. Armor is in fact under combat as a subset. For without combat, one need not care about how much defense anything provides.

    Combat fixes will encompass weapons and armor alike as well as the actual combat gameplay.

    So when I saw "combat isn't finallized" I included armor and weapon use into the mix. Worried, I am not.
    armor is used when fighting the animals used to supply the "bones" to use a crafting skill that is supposedly working fine. Don't start with symantics.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by orious13 View Post
    Yes that's true. Well, the devs did say (obviously they don't want to give every bit away) that something like leather would at least protect for "stabbing" or "piercing" and that the weapons already had uses (not sure if it isn't turned on or what). So my thought was that a dagger doesn't have code for "stabbing weapon" yet, which would render the stabbing protection useless.

    My thoughts are that while everyone is busy building their area, they'll be fixing that stuff. I just don't think anyone should worry too much until the 2 months of free play is over.
    I don't want to be busy building my area.. I want to kill you take my stuff.
    You can farm resources.. I'll farm you.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
    armor is used when fighting the animals used to supply the "bones" to use a crafting skill that is supposedly working fine. Don't start with symantics.
    The point is. In most games they strive to show off combat at the top of the list. This game does not. Crafting is working because it is more important. Combat is secondary ...or tertiary at the moment. The current system was probably created so that you could at least support crafting. Not sure what you're trying to say really. Combat still needs to be fixed and armor and weapons are in that category.

    Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
    I don't want to be busy building my area.. I want to kill you take my stuff.
    You can farm resources.. I'll farm you.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not really the point of prelude. You can try though.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by jokhul View Post
    Xsyon has a planned feature list that would make the developer team of Vanguard faint. And that was a fairly sizeable team.

    I keep on hearing about things that will only be available at launch, because they are currently "turned off" or "ready, but just not ingame". Reminds me a bit of Mortal Online tbh... there is no miracle patch, and never will be.

    If you don't like the way Xsyon plays atm, I doubt you will be happy a month or two from now. Things are definitely not going to change overnight. They will most likely change slowly over the next 6 months.

    As more features and systems are added, the process slows down, because the code base becomes more and more complicated and interrelated. Things that were working get broken, and the patch that fixes them breaks a totally different feature. Exploits will appear and need urgent fixing (temporarily halting work on everything else). That's the nature of the beast.
    I'm not sure where you are going with the MO compairison.. if you actually played it you would have seen that the game FAILED HORRIBLY becuase they failed to implement working things at launch and tried to hot patch all the fixes.. (2 weeks till launch) seems like Xyson is heading down the same road..

    Now on to the "if you don't like xyson's game play now" Are you serious... hell to the nah.. I don't like its current game play.. however it has a ton of potential you can see it the first few minutes of logging on... It is fun and imaginative enough to make me want to stay.. and I plan on it. I will knock systems, policies and designs that are borken and need work.. thats what I do. The fact Xyson has people like me and Big Country posting about this stuff is because we do like this game and want to see it succeed. It would be very easy for me to just uninstall get my 40 bucks back and
    be done with it.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by orious13 View Post
    Crafting is working because it is more important.
    Is crafting working if the items don't actually do anything? I don't think so. Making the gear (weapons and armor) have functional purpose is of paramount importance to both the pve and pvp community.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    Is crafting working if the items don't actually do anything? I don't think so. Making the gear (weapons and armor) have functional purpose is of paramount importance to both the pve and pvp community.
    What's your bonecraft skill? What's your weaponcraft skill? Find it amusing that thread contains a total of 2 non February posts.

    Does stuff work? I don't know. I'll be able to tell after I get my crafts to 60-75. All I know is that my tribes fisherman is quite happy with his new fishing rod made by me with 60 toolscraft skill. Atm you look to me like someone yelling "SCAVANGING DOESN'T WORK" who is at 5 scavanging skill and sitting on dirt.

  7. #47
    You look to me like someone that must not actually play the game. Take the foot out of your mouth and go try on a nice set of player made armor. Go equip a weapon and fight someone naked with no weapon.
    I have 30 bone crafting not a HUGE amount but my full made bear set of armor literally does NOTHING but look pretty and make me a more valuable target. I unlike you actually play the game and interact with alot of people.
    We aren't just dreaming this stuff up. You try getting 30 bone crafting in a world where you might find one bear every hour or two if your super lucky and have several people looking for you.
    Do you really think skills shouldn't have any noticable difference until they are atleast 60-70.. why have 1-59 if that is the case.. LOL... And any tribe that doesn't have most all of the tools just from sharing with each other is already FAIL.

  8. #48
    hey hey hey now.

    this thread was started to discuss the loot bugs, not armor values/lack of, or features.

    first priority should of course be to fix the data integrity, they claim to have done this, so next one should be lag, their working on this now so big hurray on that too, next should be basic functionality like allready implementet features working as intented, this included being able to loot ppl you kill, 100% of the time, not just the 20% of times when you kill a guy who havent figured out how to exploit the system yet.

    I have a feeling theres two causes to this problem, first of course ppl set their bags to private, that prevents you from looking at em, but secondly theres also a way to prevent ppl from looting your equipped gear. I would guess it has something to do with moving away from your corpse as fast as you can after you die, so the guy trying to loot you gets the error message "you cant do that" because the server thinks hes "outta range" from the items he wants to loot.

    Im no programmer so I have no idea how hard/easy this is to fix, but it needs to be very high priority. Without loot from combat, theres no point to combat, with no point to combat theres not much point to this game at all. Especially now with wipes looming on the horizon and how half the city building features are disabled at the moment.

    So heres a frindly go go at the devs. Fix them bugs =)

  9. #49
    I agree - just make water a safe zone for now - or just get rid of the looting mechanic. I like looting, but don't really think it is the be all and end all of allowing me to enjoy PVP. (now sieging and burning down someone's house is a whole different matter...)

  10. #50
    Actually, after just fighting a naked guy with no weapons, and him doing the same damage as I did in full craftet gear ive changed my mind, making gear actually matter is more important than having looting working.

    As it is now theres no point in running around with anything, doing anything.

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