Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
pre-launch was said to be a "headstart" I understand not everything is done..
But I don't understand how NOTHING is working 100% yet.

Crafting still has bugs.. GUI itself has bugs.. combat... simple tasks.. terraforming was to much or so it seems.. the "animals" aren't in the game yet my thought is becuase of the lag the servers couldn't handle it. simple targeting.. armour working.. fight skill or weapon damage modifiers... tons of shit not working.. what are you talking about.. it is easier to list the things that don't have problems and are working as intended at this point.. 2 weeks out.
yes, you are right. like i said i'm not going to argue whether it is acceptable or not. There are tons of bugs and they may or may not be fixed come launch time. All we can do is report them the best we can and hope for the best, but don't let that make you think some are fools for trying to wait the issues out though. Yeah in the end it may have been money wasted but it won't be the first time nor last time we buy into a game mmo or not and are dissappointed.