
The Xsyon Paper is an unbiased view on the World of Xsyon, Players, Tribes and World Events. The Paper will report everything that it can get its hands on and will attempt to verify everything before posting it on the site. [/quote]

[QUOTE=furanku;54094]No player of Fallen Lords shall publish anything that might be consider "personal attacks" against any tribe, player or the game itself.[/quote]
Those two quotes might not actually work together Furanku, on the one hand, you say you will post everything you can get your hands on, but you also say you will not publish anything that might be considered a personal attack.

If I were you, I would combine the two into something like:

"The Xsyon Paper is an unbiased view on the World of Xsyon, Players, Tribes and World Events. The Paper will report everything that it can get its hands on, as long as it is not something that might be considered "personal attacks" against any tribe, player or the game itself"

A good start towards doing so would be to remove most of the news you have posted so far, as in one way or another, the majority of the news items can be considered personal attacks on a person, a tribe, and/or the game itself.

Obviously it is your call, but if you truly want this to be a newspaper for the game and the community, start with a clean slate.