I've lost in strength, agility and spirit....havent gained in anything. All I do is run everywhere, been carrying sand and rocks and bricks...how the hell do I lose in agility and strength?
I've lost in strength, agility and spirit....havent gained in anything. All I do is run everywhere, been carrying sand and rocks and bricks...how the hell do I lose in agility and strength?
yes.....also, how come it shrinks my signature...but lets your's be so big?
Now I expect posts that I'm favored by website, lol. I don't know I added mine as a link to photobucket.
I have no idea about stat loss, I know eating affects it. You must've done something to drop it. If not try sending bug report.
How about PVP deaths? I read in a post that you can have skill and stat loss from PVP losses.
In any case, the game should let you know when you lose a stat or skill point (just like it tells you when you gain one)
I've lost STR and SPI as well and I keep my hunger and thirst at max.
Lol maybe, I always kept it at max because all of the fish I catch but the brook trout raise my hunger from empty to full.