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  1. #1
    This is why I laugh at the PvP'ers out there who think they're hot stuff now. If/when starter weapons get the nerf they need AND armor actually protects, then we'll have a lot less naked people running around punching people to death.

  2. #2
    Xsyon Citizen Haunt's Avatar
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    Enough false promises already, they better not take away or nerf our pre-order weapons now too. And it better not decay, right now it is about the only benefit I have received for pre-ordering this game.

    Fix armor, if it protected you, the weapon would not be an issue. This game is about realism, 2 hits from a super sharp axe would kill almost anyone not wearing armor. In fact it would probably only take one. A dull stubby axe would still kill someone in 3-5 hits, as it does now.

    The weapons need no adjustment to dmg, but protection from those weapons (ie. armor) needs to be implemented and working.

  3. #3
    How many people have used pristine quality high lvl made weapons? Is there someone who has compared the two in field tests? Do we even know, or is this just based on starting players using QL 30-40 armor/weapons in comparison?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by djext2000 View Post
    How many people have used pristine quality high lvl made weapons? Is there someone who has compared the two in field tests? Do we even know, or is this just based on starting players using QL 30-40 armor/weapons in comparison?
    Ok, I'll ask the question again. Anyone?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Haunt View Post
    Enough false promises already, they better not take away or nerf our pre-order weapons now too.
    So what was the promise? Getting a preorder weapon or getting "the omfg preorder weapon of godly doom +7"?

    I have my preorder weapon. That's all the promised. Now, they need to make them weaker so that people will actually need to buy crap from weaponcrafters when the game starts.

  6. #6
    Xsyon Citizen Haunt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrcalhou View Post
    So what was the promise? Getting a preorder weapon or getting "the omfg preorder weapon of godly doom +7"?

    I have my preorder weapon. That's all the promised. Now, they need to make them weaker so that people will actually need to buy crap from weaponcrafters when the game starts.
    Do you think the only people that play this game are going to be pre-order people? We are looking at about 15-20 % of the gaming audience right now. The other 80+ % that will flood in AFTER launch will give weapon crafters plenty of business. In fact a good weapon crafter will get MORE business because of the pre-order weapons since the new people will be wanting to get a similar weapon ASAP after joining the game. The very nice weapon or tool that we get to select as a Pre-Order customer is a great bonus for us that had faith in the game before the rest of the population. Why someone would want to have it nerfed is unbelieveable.

  7. #7
    Xsyon Citizen Haunt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommybomb View Post
    Can you please provide data to support your assertion that 80% of the population will order the game on the 15th or after?
    Call Gamestop or Best Buy and ask them the number of pre-orders they typically get for the next big game and then ask them how many they sell after that. I had a conversation with the owner of my local Gamestop and those were the numbers he quoted to me (well actually he said 10-15% pre-order). We were talking about DC Universe at the time, but he said that is typical with most Pre-order games.

    It actually went up from about 5% when Pre-Order offered you very little or no incentives back in the day. The inclusion of things like special weapons and mounts and binding equipment in pre-order games is slowly increasing the percent of population that pre-orders. That is why I estimated high and said 15-20 %.

  8. #8
    bump for relevance.

    PO weapons need to be downgraded.

  9. #9
    Xsyon Citizen Stevro's Avatar
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    Agreed , Just the fact that they are un lootable is reward enough for pre order they should do no more damage than a noob axe you can craft.

  10. #10
    This is one of the issues that has to be solved before launch.

    At the moment buildings don't matter. Tribes are safe zones so there's no real point in building walls. Houses don't do anything so they're vanity.

    Thus things that require building (masonry etc) is worthless

    Armor is useless especially with overpowered starter weapons

    Weapon crafting is useless for the same reason.

    Savaging is useless because there's nothing worth crafting (see above)

    The only thing you need is basketry to hold food and fishing/foraging to get food. That's it. Someone please tell me the point of anything else now.

    Removing/heavily nurfing starter weps will give reason to craft/reason to fight over resources. While we wait for tribal wars to start there's nothing else worth doing.

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