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  1. #1

    Executing a defeated player

    You should be able to "Execute" a player you defeat. Cut off his head, or cut him up so he can not rez. Forcing him back to his Totem.

    If i lose to a player, I just stay in ghost mode....follow him until I rez, then fight again...knowing that I've already gotten a hit or two off on him, he is eventually going to die.

    By "Executing" your foe, it would force him back to his Totem.

    I think this would be a good addition to the game, would also stop the "Griefers" so when you kill them, you can send them back to their totem.........Just my opinion.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    So, hp drops to zero, you go unconscious for a time period. Then someone has to manually execute you?

    Reminds me of Darkfall. But I did like it. This game time for a friend to potentially rez you or, if your group was good enough, gave them time to tactically protect you until you did wake from unconsciousness.

    Add the alignment system and penalties for executing, etc.


  4. #4
    How would an alignment system work though? In Darkfall there were laser towers to discourage it, but in Xsyon there are no npc towns with death beams. Only thing I can think of as a penalty for pking would be to temporarily decrease skill gain unless you're at war with that tribe.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Krashner View Post
    How would an alignment system work though? In Darkfall there were laser towers to discourage it, but in Xsyon there are no npc towns with death beams. Only thing I can think of as a penalty for pking would be to temporarily decrease skill gain unless you're at war with that tribe.
    Executing a player would be considered a "bad" act by the good people, right? Could temporarily remove the penalties of pking the "good" or "neutral" guy that just executed or looted an unconscious player...much like UO. An evil player is evil anyway, and wouldnt really be affected by the penalty as much as someone who didnt pk rampantly.

    Consider religion, the favor involved, and the way the system will potentially work.

    Just throwing out ideas involving it.

  6. #6
    I dont see it as an "evil" act, or a good act. Would just force the person who died back to his totem.
    So if you are fighting in your a garbage pit, etc...if you get into with it with someone, you dont have them rezzing over and over and fighting you.....

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by PeonSanders911 View Post
    I think this ... would also stop the "Griefers" so when you kill them, you can send them back to their totem.........Just my opinion.
    But that's the way it will work already, once Alignment is switched on. Griefers will be flagged as Evil, and killing an Evil person automatically sends them back to their totem.

    Seems like this is just a way to give the Evil players a new way to grief carebears.

    Though I do agree that the current "just-wait-around-in-ghost-mode-for-30-seconds-and-then-jump-back-into-the-fight" model is sub-optimal. It tends to lend itself to naked zerg bunnyhopping rushes, and I got tired of those in Darkfall.

  8. #8
    All player will be sent back to their totems after death. He changed his mind on it during a thread a few months ago and was confirmed to me last week. He just hasn't had time to change it, yet.

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