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  1. #1

    Greetings from Denmark

    Update in Danish: Hey danskere, lad os mødes i denne tråd og udveksle character navne, så vi kan mødes i Xsyon. Og måske lave en dansk tribe!

    Hey all

    Looking forward to a realistic experience with no elves, monsters and insane magic. Seeing you all ingame.

    I just preordered it today, and its finished downloading. But cant login? I have to wait until the 15. march?



  2. #2
    no the server is just down.... btw i'm dane 2 my ingame name is Sinrad_Awen
    tell me if u need a tribe to join

  3. #3
    well, maybe i will

  4. #4
    Danish ppl all over the place!
    Me2 btw ;-)

    Ingame: Rilz

  5. #5
    lets make a danish tribe

  6. #6
    Welcome to Xsyon!

    You got a shut down time,not for too long though


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bOOmerDK View Post
    lets make a danish tribe
    Im on.

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