Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
If that's the case, what's wrong with two servers, whether they be EU and US, or Chaos and regular pvp ruleset, or two identical servers that anyone from anywhere can play on? If there are more than double the number of people expected at start (and it sure sounds like there's even more of us than that), then who is going to lose out by having two servers? I mean sure, one server would be great, but two servers or ten servers are a hell of a lot better than no servers and no game!
Your being too nice - sorry. They have 2 programmers - Jordie and X. We can all support the underdog but just think for a minute how much in all we have now paid. Please guys just quit asking stupid questions and polls and launch it already. I'm pretty sure that $250-500k of pre-order hasn't left them short to employ anyone they see fit.