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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Proto View Post
    I'm sorry Mits, but 6 years of playing Shadowbane, a game with regular city construction and asset destruction, proves you wrong in that it discourages people from putting any effort into building their towns up. SB was possibly the best (imo the best) city building and sieging game to have hit the market, and regardless that any city on the map could be torn down, people NEVER stopped building them, NEVER stopped upgarding them. Hell, even in Darkfall they kept building, and that game was terribad.

    Now I'm not saying that pvp won't discourage people from building their cities here, it probably will, I've noticed that there's some pretty weak minded folks here, but my experience in SB proves your statement otherwise.
    And Shadowbane went free to play in what? 3 years? closed down 3 years later? What was the height of the playerbase for it? i honestly don't know.

    Look I'm not saying that destroyable assets are a bad thing, and i like the idea, to an extent, but using Shadowbane as an example, seems somewhat silly to me. Can they take what Shadowbane started and work with it? sure. But its sorta obvious thats not exactly the road you want to go down, especially with a game so deep in crafting as this one. Shadowbane was created for PvPers, that was obvious, this game seems to cater to something different.

    As someone pointed out to me, take a look at the features page, and see how much PvP it alludes to as compared to crafting and building...

    Trying to make this game Shadowbane 2.0 i would think is against what that features page has in mind.. I'm not a "carebear", and i like pvp (with a purpose), I'm just not sure a lot of people know what they are getting into here. Destroyable assets sounds great to me, I just don't think that most of the people that want it, are going to get it in the aspect they wish.....

    just my opinion.

  2. #82
    As someone pointed out to me,take a look at the features page, and show much how much PvP it alludes to as compared to crafting and building...
    This, together with that interview comment in which Jooky states his vision for the game and the secondary role he sees PvP playing in it, is a very good point that seems to get (conveniently?) over-looked a lot. At least by some folks.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadore View Post
    ... If a tribe has nowhere else to go...what are they going to do? Venture peacefully and nomadically completely across the map to an open area that potentially has less than where they are? ...

    This is a good point. But I think in asking it the way you are, you're missing the obvious, easily-implemented answer.

    What if that newly-opened frontier has more to offer than the now depleted, 'civilized' areas? What if you can hunker down safe and secure in your lake-side territory, but the price for that is stagnation for want of opportunity and resources? Sure, it's a choice you can make. And who knows? Maybe you can make a go of it by being so good at trade and manufacture that you can survive by getting the more adventurous types to bring you those resources and opportunities you need.

    Or maybe there's a sort of 'care-bear PvP' when, if you're not successful enough at that kind of 'civilized competition', the only other choice open to you is to 'grow a pair' and get out into the dangerous frontier yourself.

  4. #84
    I think you should be able to knock down what you want, when you want it, without much consequence. However to destroy a totem and remove a tribe by force you must officially declare a war. You must knock down their totem. Totem destruction should only be allowed at certain times. I like the idea of that time being totally random. Maybe have a message that tribes with active wars will have their totems vulnerable for the next 3 hours. Even the amount of time not just the time itself should be random. .. the totems might go vulnerable for 10 minutes or several hours. It might be vulnerable one day at 6 pm eastern the next at 7:30 am the next day. They should only be vulnerable to the warring tribes.
    This will also prevent the whole server for showing up to an event because there will be multiple unplanned events during the same time. I don't think the whole server should get a war warning like in darkfall. The only ones that should get a heads up about a war is the two tribes that are involved, or people they have physically told.

    This system willl make removing a tribe by combat difficult enough that it isn't done on a whim but easy enough for a well thought out plan and strategy along with some luck to make it happen. It will allow for other tribes to fight in an area.. do a little destruction without having their totem destroyed.

    Just some thoughts out loud. A system like that would be pretty innovative. Does this sound remotely fair or fun to anyone else?

  5. #85
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    You people all need to take a good hard look at the image at the top of this Web page. Like most sandboxes, this game will revolve around PvP in the end.

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by BigCountry View Post
    You people all need to take a good hard look at the image at the top of this Web page. Like most sandboxes, this game will revolve around PvP in the end.
    Someone better tell Jooky. Now he has incliuded that picture at the top of the page he must change his whole vision for the game. Damn he must be so annoyed that a picture over rules the games creators plans for what we have in store later on.

  7. #87
    I'm all about discussion on this as I would enjoy the pvp systems to fleshed out a bit more, a little more risk without encumbering those in the community who do not wish for it all day long like the rest of us.

    I will however point out that the rallying cry of a games destruction is normally that "carebears" whined for to many changes which altered the on track design direction of the Developer team. I think the hardcore pvpers are doing the same thing here, the games not even launched yet. There is a common ground where design direction meets the needs of avid pvpers, and the less inclined.

    I do think the majority of you are missing the point that this is not a PvP game, its a sandbox with pvp, they aren't the same thing.

  8. #88
    Someone better tell Jooky. Now he has incliuded that picture at the top of the page he must change his whole vision for the game. Damn he must be so annoyed that a picture over rules the games creators plans for what we have in store later on.
    What's worse is the confusion caused by those two cooperating bear hunters on the log-in page. Shouldn't they be depicted as being at each other's throats fighting over the bear?

  9. #89
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bridger View Post
    What's worse is the confusion caused by those two cooperating bear hunters on the log-in page. Shouldn't they be depicted as being at each other's throats fighting over the bear?
    One has his hands down his pants.....not good!

  10. #90
    think about my system and flame me some..

    I want some input..

    I think it would be a rush logging in to find you had 20 minutes left to knock down a totem... and this really annoying crafting guild has been talking junk on the forums how they had the best place to get lavendar fabric. and just to be a dick you want to crush them to keep lavender shirts to a minimum.... so you get on the bat phone have everyone meet up and you CRUSH the CRAFTERS and force them to move to a place that they can only get drab green cloth... and you get to read on the forums the next day about how aweful it is in their "new" home.
    and to rub it in.. as much as we hated it.. my tribe could prance around near their "new home" wearing the lavendar shits we looted from them just to rub it in... and we would post screen shots about it.. Thats what I call a fun time.. srsly.

    come on chuckle heads .. wake up out there in forum land.. I'm at work bored.

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