Quote Originally Posted by Ripp View Post
I think most people don't want to lose everything or even have that possible. That was a problem with Shadowbane, people who lost everything either left or joined the zerg and the "end game" was the Borg zerg gobbling up everyone else. Not really all that fun.

I'd like to see some kind of system where the victors recieved some kind of rewards for winning the Tribe battles. This could be in the form of looted goods and wares, skill/gain bonus, something that creates interest in raiding but not to the point where everyone quits or joins the zerg.
I'm actualy going to agree with the carebear militia

SB ate it's young. It was too hardcore...it bled players like a cut throat in its first year...loss was devastating and final, you lost your home, ability to train, make gear, etc. I think even those of us who learned to love it realize that it was, especially at the beginning (when cities were much more time consuming and expensive to build) too hardcore for it's own good.

So...Tribal warfare.
- No city should be exempt from seiging
- Prelude cities can not be captured or destroyed by seiging (but can be raided and looted [to be defined later])
- Expansion land territories will be conquerable and controllable..as necessity because they will contain new and valuable resources required to make new technologies and major improvements on old technologies.

So. If i want to wage war on your pathetic excuse for a tribal organization i will attempt to:
- raid and conquer and expansion territories you control
- seige and raid your prelude city to hinder your logistics (crafting) and generally for demoralization.

of course, seige lessons -
- timer between seiges, you shouldnt be able to seige someone 24-7.
- self seiging has to be an exploit
- defender should be able to pick the window when the seige will occur.

general thought - no tribe should be able to sit back and talk massive amounts of poop without being able to be held accountable for it. Prelude cities may be safe from capture/destruction, but the inhabitants have to be able to be held accountable by other players.