WOW, great reads!!!

I didnt mean "Failed" as in game sent to grave, but more "Failed" as in why you quit playing or failed your expectations.

SO, in regards to UO, is it safe to say that Trammel led to its downfall?

I also noticed that, in many games within many posts, the GRIND is also a game-killer...that fair to say? Seems the cycle is usually- Grind, get tired of it because it takes too long, quit OR grind, get to apex, quit due to content. Is that also fair to say?

Personally, I LOATHE grinding. That's safe to say in EVERY game ive ever played. I simply cannot logically wrap my mind around spending long amounts of time killing mindless mobs, getting that super high level, or swimming against a rock for a full weeks time just go gain a few more HP.

Macro's - I detest them. I saw some macro's in darkfall that were more complex than the systems NASA uses on their spacecraft...NO JOKE. How is that "playing" a game???