Quote Originally Posted by outfctrl View Post
Well, in the old UO days, you had to log in to keep your house from falling down. It was a pain, but it worked. Then they changed it to as long as you had an account open and you were paying your monthly sub fee your house wouldnt deteriorate.

Maybe a daily or every few days to log in to keep your totem from deteriorating would work.
Thats actually not a bad idea not only to help out with the problem in this thread but just for overall keeping the game a bit cleaner. If someone stops playing, theres no point in leaving their land claim forever preventing anyone else from claiming that land. Though i think a day or so is a bit too fast, after all some (hopefully most) of us have live soutsid eof Xsyon and cant manage to be on every single day. Maybe a week or 2 would be pretty good. if someone doesnt login for a full week or 2, theyre likely not coming back so it would make sense to just get rid of the totems. If they ever do eventually come back to the game, theyll just have to setup a new homestead. In the case of someone simply being away and unable to login for awhile due to an emergency or vacation or whatever, perhaps they could just contact the staff and they could keep their totems active until their return.