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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by maelwydd View Post
    You could always try a bit of social interaction and trade with other players....
    That's missing the point. Being in a tribe doesn't change the fact that progression is random and unrealistic.

    Quote Originally Posted by China View Post
    The game is built to where you actually have to figure things out. Don't work harder, work smarter.
    What is there to "figure out" about this system? It seems to be entirely random. Trading isn't "working smart", it's the most basic thing. Limit the player's ability to plan ahead, and you limit a tribe's ability to plan ahead just the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by maelwydd View Post
    Where do you get the fishing rod from in ther first place? If it is another player then....why not just trade with them as I have already suggested which is already available to you. The game is not going to spoonfeed you.
    F.e. you could get things like a fishing pole from a junkpile. That would be pretty random as well, but it's at least more realistic and immersive.

    Also, most overused and misused terms that sandbox fans in general should stop throwing around at every opportunity:

    Handholding, spoonfeeding, instant gratification, carebears.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by StarvingSteve View Post
    That's missing the point. Being in a tribe doesn't change the fact that progression is random and unrealistic.
    I am not in a tribe. If I need something I ask around if anyone has it, asking what they want in trade. If no one has it I keep looking, making stuff as I go along, surviving, hoping to someday either have something to trade for the item or work out how it is made.

    I think you may be missing the entire point of the game not just recipes.

    Quote Originally Posted by StarvingSteve View Post
    What is there to "figure out" about this system? It seems to be entirely random. Trading isn't "working smart", it's the most basic thing. Limit the player's ability to plan ahead, and you limit a tribe's ability to plan ahead just the same.

    F.e. you could get things like a fishing pole from a junkpile. That would be pretty random as well, but it's at least more realistic and immersive.

    Also, most overused and misused terms that sandbox fans in general should stop throwing around at every opportunity:

    Handholding, spoonfeeding, instant gratification, carebears.
    Who is to say you cannot find a fishing pole on a junkpile?

    And I used the term spoonfed because that is exactly what you want.

    You encounter a problem (can't find or make a fishing pole) and instead of the options already there (trade for it, find it on a junkpile, learn it by further crafting) you just want to get it right away (spoonfed).

    There is a problem - Sometimes a recipe isn't available to you.
    There is a solution - Trade with others (as they are probably in the same situation), continue crafting till you get it or find it through scavaging.

  3. #3
    Xsyon Citizen NexAnima's Avatar
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    I agree, there needs to be a rhyme and reason to how recipes are learned. For some reason I can strike a chunk of rock with a knife over and over and my mind gets so numb I enter a state of nirvana. Once deep enough into this trance, I'm given the knowledge on crafting a scavengers master chisel. If one can hold this trance long enough he becomes master of his profession and the secrets of every recipe becomes unlocked.

  4. #4
    Technically you're right it doesn't make a huge amount of sense. But I like the system as people have already said, it promotes social interaction.
    You want to live like a hermit in the mountains and have no interaction with other living beings? Fine, the game supports that but don't expect it to be easy.
    Random recipes means you are forced to trade with other players in or out of your tribe. This promotes player economy in a game where there is currently no currency.
    Yes, it doesn't make sense that you suddenly learn to make a Hammer after grinding stakes for a while. But you have to look at the big picture and think about WHY the system was created like that. Do you really think the Devs just threw together a random system with no reason?
    I would however support some sort of reverse engineering but with a high chance of failure depending on the item..

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen NexAnima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shukano View Post
    Technically you're right it doesn't make a huge amount of sense. But I like the system as people have already said, it promotes social interaction.
    You want to live like a hermit in the mountains and have no interaction with other living beings? Fine, the game supports that but don't expect it to be easy.
    Random recipes means you are forced to trade with other players in or out of your tribe. This promotes player economy in a game where there is currently no currency.
    Yes, it doesn't make sense that you suddenly learn to make a Hammer after grinding stakes for a while. But you have to look at the big picture and think about WHY the system was created like that. Do you really think the Devs just threw together a random system with no reason?
    I would however support some sort of reverse engineering but with a high chance of failure depending on the item..
    But that's the thing, it doesn't force social interaction. As the tool crafter for my tribe, I can craft every tool at level 38 after grinding the forgers punch. I don't need anyone for anything and that's the problem. There are so many tools, that players can grind on that require no more then standing on a rock resource and a single tool.

  6. #6
    Tho random reversed engineerd items promotes even more trading=P

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