Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
I know how to do this the easy way, same as you do, baka77, but are we sure that this option will still be available after wipe? What if you have a spot that isn't on a junk pile, but that is otherwise a very good spot someone else might want? You don't want to be in the middle of a reroll, come back, and find out someone has dropped a totem, taking your land and your stuff.
1. We aren't sure the "ez" way will be available, that's why I started by asking about re-roll timers.

2. I didn't go into a lot of detail in my post, but it would be foolish to put your tools in the spot you plan to settle while you're re-rolling. It's best done by taking basketry first & making a big ass bin. Then hide the bin in a spot nobody is likely to find (like in some rocks or behind a tree up in the middle of nowhere. Then, once you're done re-rolling & filling your bin with all the tools, lock the bin so you can't be looted if you die. THEN, you can go find your settlement location & totem up. Once you totem up, drop your bin o' tools & you're set for life....well, at least until your tools break. But by then a smart player will have already made a new, upgraded set & put their bins in a tent to reduce decay.