Quote Originally Posted by baka77 View Post
You lose sight of the fact that ultimately Jordi decides whether suggestions are worthy of implementation or not. Really, all these threads about pvp & homesteads & what not are just suggestions. Jordi will choose which ideas work for his game & which will not. These suggestions may not be made in the same tone as you might like, but guess what? Those people are not here to please YOU. Ultimately, it seems like you're most mad about the semantics of where/how people are posting their suggestions. LOL

You should also work on your sense of entitlement. Just because you paid your $40 10 months ago does not give you a more powerful voice than someone who just bought the game. We're all the same with equal rights to voice our concerns
What 10 months give to him as well as other players is experience and knowledge about game. Yes, I am fresh guy as well. Yet half of the suggestions or outrages are based on rumors at best instead of knowledge how game works. I bet half of those February PvP "pros" who "know" how the game should be made and drop quite oftenly retarded suggestions and demans right and left couldn't even tell what armed combat or weapon skill actually does. Their answer proley would be "LOL nothing, same as armor LOL".
Yes, there are couple fresh faces who come and speak only when they know what they are speaking, sadly they are minority.