Quote Originally Posted by baka77 View Post
Self-righteous much?

And you analogies are WAY off base. You don't PAY your friends to look at their furniture. You don't PAY your boss to give him real estate advice. You don't PAY a cop (well sort of, via taxes) to pull you over. My point is, when people become paying customers they get the right to at least say "I want this for my money" (we get elections & courts to deal with cops lol).

You lose sight of the fact that ultimately Jordi decides whether suggestions are worthy of implementation or not. Really, all these threads about pvp & homesteads & what not are just suggestions. Jordi will choose which ideas work for his game & which will not. These suggestions may not be made in the same tone as you might like, but guess what? Those people are not here to please YOU. Ultimately, it seems like you're most mad about the semantics of where/how people are posting their suggestions. LOL

You should also work on your sense of entitlement. Just because you paid your $40 10 months ago does not give you a more powerful voice than someone who just bought the game. We're all the same with equal rights to voice our concerns.

So....just relax. If you don't like reading suggestions & debates, steer clear of the forums.

Good and valid point... I agree with you and if you took this personally then I do apologize as I mentioned this was not directed at any person, tribe or group.... however there is one flaw in your post...

What you and I have paid for is yet to even come to light! We paid for a prelude, 2 months worth of access to a game, prelude is to last for 6 to 9 months, just so happens we got instant access to the game before prelude has begun. So you what you are saying we have paid for is not even here yet. So voicing opinions is all well and good, debates are fine, but the community as a whole needs to make sure we are here to make a game better then what it is, by making sure we are doing what we can in the proper manner of suggestion in the correct locations ie the suggestion threads.