Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
the existing community did a great job of fashioning the pve complexities of the game.
Unfortunately it is apparent you did very little in the way of helping to make pvp just as intricate as the pve. We, the pvp community, are here to help correct that oversight.

We want the pvp dynamic to be just as complex and intricate as the pve models already present. A solid set of pvp mechanics is crucial to making this an actual 'world' and not just just a statatic building sim.

Unfortunately 'we' have met a lot of resistance to the concept of improving the pvp experience- and thus need t speak loudly and often to keep from getting shouted down by those that would prefer little-to-no pvp.

In the end, its the devs game, and they will build what they want. Ideally this will be a place where both groups find purpose and entertainment. Swing too far your way, we ( aand our friends and our cash) go away - too far our way and the pve /crafter group dwindles. *shrug* for us its jjust a game - for them it pays the rent....i guess we'll see how the pendelum swings in the future.

Oh, lest i forget
Crai more n00b

You seem to think that community has greater impact on game than we have. I joined couple of week's before the wave of new players. There were like 2 new posts daily so I had time to read old posts and try to understand game concept.

The game looks like it does becouse Jordi made it this way not community. People made sugestions about implemented features or concepts Jordi shared with the community.
PvP after prelude wasn't discused becouse Jordi hasn't decided/shared with us how it will look like. When he does we'll have chance to make sugestions.

But it's anoying when people don't uderstand this and say "we want siedge in prelude" and anyone who tries to explain that it's not really possible is called carebear and PvP hater.
You can't implement feature that hasn't been coded(or designed). Jordi focuses on features he planned to implement first.

So calm down, there will be time to talk about siedge, conquest and war. Play the game for what it is now.