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  1. #271
    Quote Originally Posted by China View Post
    I beg to differ with you Xsyon. The "current player base" is not pushing in two different directions. What you have is a minority, 20%-25% that are very vocal, which is a natural occurence in open societies, who only think they would like it if they had their own way.

    You set up a great sandbox scenario, with great ideas for adding future content which meshed with your original idea. The gamers have been clamoring for something like this for 9-10 years. What you might have failed to understand was how successful you might become and underestimating the demand for your game vision. But, you must remember that the reason for this high demand was because of yourr vision & description of the game. Now is not the time to waiver from that. Maybe you became sort of spoiled during your early beta testing because that particular population was actually dedicated to helping you hammer out the bugs, and were willing to suffer through that tough process. That meant giving you actual honest feedback. The new members, subscribers, the public is not even close to that description.

    I understand that the server capacity isn't because of the number of subscriptions, but because of the number of homesteaders and the number of tribes. I believe that you need to think outside the box and implement another solution other than two diverse servers, if it isn't too late to tweek it.

    Dividing the community populaation, 'the good, the bad and the ugly' onto a different server with a different game concept than your own, might be very deterimental. I only say that because I have seen what has happened with other games that took that path.

    I want this game to succeed! I'm one of those that has been waiting 9-10 years for a developer, any developer, big, small or indie to do that. I'm not alone. Get a good nights rest, go in late and talk to the rest of your crew and get their honest opinions.

    Go from there.

    Good luck!

    /sign I'd hate for Xyson to take a shortcut and ruin the game for the nonvocal majority. Very well said.

  2. #272
    Quote Originally Posted by China View Post
    I beg to differ with you Xsyon. The "current player base" is not pushing in two different directions. What you have is a minority, 20%-25% that are very vocal, which is a natural occurence in open societies, who only think they would like it if they had their own way.

    You set up a great sandbox scenario, with great ideas for adding future content which meshed with your original idea. The gamers have been clamoring for something like this for 9-10 years. What you might have failed to understand was how successful you might become and underestimating the demand for your game vision. But, you must remember that the reason for this high demand was because of yourr vision & description of the game. Now is not the time to waiver from that. Maybe you became sort of spoiled during your early beta testing because that particular population was actually dedicated to helping you hammer out the bugs, and were willing to suffer through that tough process. That meant giving you actual honest feedback. The new members, subscribers, the public is not even close to that description.

    I understand that the server capacity isn't because of the number of subscriptions, but because of the number of homesteaders and the number of tribes. I believe that you need to think outside the box and implement another solution other than two diverse servers, if it isn't too late to tweek it.

    Dividing the community populaation, 'the good, the bad and the ugly' onto a different server with a different game concept than your own, might be very deterimental. I only say that because I have seen what has happened with other games that took that path.

    I want this game to succeed! I'm one of those that has been waiting 9-10 years for a developer, any developer, big, small or indie to do that. I'm not alone. Get a good nights rest, go in late and talk to the rest of your crew and get their honest opinions.

    Go from there.

    Good luck!


    Do not let the vocal minority ruin it for the nonvocal majority.

  3. #273
    Quote Originally Posted by mindtrigger View Post
    By virtue of having two servers instead of one, we will have two NEW completely separate evolutions of the game, independent from the original vision. WAR won't be the original game nor will PEACE.

    In this game, the beginning game play will, in a lot of ways, shape how the server goes on to evolve. A basic set of societal rules will be created in the early days, weeks and months, and the evolution will branch from there. This foundation will be based on the disposition of the overall population on the server. Even the developers know they are creating two different evolutions of the game server based on the populations, and have said as much multiple times today.

    The other problem with your theory is that many people here believe the opposite is true, and that PEACE is the game as it was meant to be played. The fact that there is a disagreement here, and a server choice to go along with it, changes everything. If this two server thing happens, we will never, ever know how the original single server evolution would have been different except that it would have encompassed the whole game community on one server rather than fragmenting us.
    I agree with almost everything you've said here.

    Regarding the part in bold: It's not a matter of what people THINK, we were just discussing which server will be closer to the originally planned ruleset.

  4. #274
    This is a horrible idea. I am one of the loud vocal players that does slant to pvp.. But I'm not going to play a split server.. I'd rather not play at all.
    I want the sand.. I want this game to be a mix as it was intended to be.

    Stop trying to please everyone and make the game as you invisioned. If you want suggestions on how to implement something or ideas about it use some of our dreamed up stuff if you wish.. or modify them to fit.
    Please don't try to make the game into something you didn't want.

  5. #275
    Quote Originally Posted by Charles_Prince View Post
    I agree with almost everything you've said here.

    Regarding the part in bold: It's not a matter of what people THINK, we were just discussing which server will be closer to the originally planned ruleset.
    Which would be war

  6. #276

    Well I was thinking about going War... but now I'll prolly go peace after the above clarification on consentual wars. Having tribes choose from the start whether they will be warring or not and not being able to change it (or some variation of this as we as a community may come to terms with later) would be better than the previous dislike some siegers have said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raizure View Post
    Which would be war
    That is not true... as per the new update. War and conquest was not the original design.

  7. #277
    Its kind of funny how the tone of mos tof the "carebears" has changed here from the past few weeks.

    There wa slot sof "Thats not what this game is. GTFO and go play someting else".

    Now he gives those who wanted more PvP and warfare a different server to play on, which is essentially the same as them going an dplaying a different game, and youre all up in arms about it.

    If theyre not on YOUR server, then why does it concern you so much? Wethe rthey left the game, or picke dthe other server the people you didnt want in Xsyon will not be on your server. You guys can still play exactly the way you wanted, with safe zones & consentual tribal warfare, so why the hell do you care so much that there is another server that is slightly different?

  8. #278
    Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
    This is a horrible idea.

    I would rather not play then to play on split servers.
    And hundreds more will replace you. Your loss is irrelevent. This server split is not as bad as people are making it out to be. The game will continue to grow, as with popularity, and more servers will probably be introduced as the population swells.

  9. #279
    Quote Originally Posted by coca View Post
    This is a horrible idea.

    I would rather not play then to play on split servers.

  10. #280
    Quote Originally Posted by Jagsman32 View Post

    Do not let the vocal minority ruin it for the nonvocal majority.
    So... are you a racist IRL?

    You seem to think that ONLY the opinions, feelings, rights, and wants of the majority matter. Btw, i love your assumption that you ARE the majority seems to be so factual to you. How exactly do you know who wants what if theyr enot speaking up about it? Did you personal speak to every single playe rin the game and get their opinions? Yes i know, there have been some polls, but thats like assuming everyone votes on election day too. Most of us know how untrue that is.

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