I think some people need to apologize for causing the nice devs to want to appease those who could not understand the original compromise.

All of those that hate this dearly need to just say "I'm sorry jooky. Your original concept was better and we didn't mean to split up the community with our forum pvp antics." Instead of being the same people now as you were before.

You all need to listen to yourselves. Ask yourself what you've been doing from the moment you've come here. In many games "PvE" players do whine, but in this game it seems to have been the other side that does and still is. Take responsibility... the devs have read your disgust. Their solution is met with further disgust. That's wrong. But in the long run I feel the game will stretch out to more people this way.

The WAR server is for those that want to EVOLVE the game to whatever YOU WANTED with MORE PVP FOCUS.
The PEACE server is for those that wanted to evolve the game with a secondary or tertiary pvp focus.

The game is still in its building stages. You must not take the current community as the final community. You must not GIVE UP as it seems you are. I understand the fear of what this might cause, but I believe that Jooky thinks as more players enter the game, they will choose what style of play best fits their playstyle. It actually makes sense from a development stand point to have servers develop how they want. Sure the war server may be smaller at the beginning, but why not join it and create it into the greatest warfare mmo the genre has yet to see? The peace server seems to be more geared towards fun with a little more fairness.

This is an opportunity for the community...
...to FOR ONCE...
....BUILD THE GAME THAT YOU WANT... within Xsyon's reason of course.