On the first day of totem placement.
The ideal spots should go to clans... and this will prevent clans of 30 people claiming a central totem, and dropping 25 homesteads around it to claim the land.
On the first day of totem placement.
The ideal spots should go to clans... and this will prevent clans of 30 people claiming a central totem, and dropping 25 homesteads around it to claim the land.
How about you, with your 30 people actually you know, work for it and go claim the land for yourself and earn it just like everyone else? Being in a tribe does not give you any special entitlement and rights over anyone else. Maybe WITHIN your tribe, but hey guess what, im not a member of your tribe, either are like 90% of the other players. If you want to enforce some retarded sense of self entitlement on your members, feel free. But you have no say in what others do or what land they should be "allowed" to claim.
You do not understand...
I am in a 30 man clan...
We are going to make a 5 man clan, and take our spot...
Than we are going to make 25 homesteads and take every inch of land around it for miles...
If you don't stop it now....It's going to happen with every large clan...
So...whatever... enjoy your retarded vision of what you think will happen..and I'll enjoy mine!
Have a nice day...and I'm warning the dev's..this is what peoples plans are.
Just think it through Dev's. At least adjust the radius of a homestead and a tribal village. (currently I believe when either is dropped they block the same sized space)
Whatever you decide is cool...just making you aware of the issue..even tho the douches above think I'm seeking an advantage for larger tribes.
In fact I'm trying to prevent a solo player land grab, and encouraging players to group together in one spot.
The dev's have already done the math and realize that there won't be enough room, and they are rushing to create more land. Preventing, a sea of homesteads and a bunch of homeless players is all I'm trying to do.
That's nice, you'll make your tribe. Then you'll claim homesteads with everyone else doing the same thing at the same time. Then I'm assuming you think you and the other big tribes exploiting this way will reform as a single tribe. But what will happen to your homestead totems? They'll go poof. And all around you, pissed off solo players will be watching for it to happen. Waiting to claim what you've robbed from the community with your utter and selfish contempt.
I suppose if your clan has a bunch of homesteads instead of tribemembers you wont have much of a tribe? Quit it with the selfish and greedy. i swear it said no greedy and selfish brats in the Tos, did'nt it?