Quote Originally Posted by Bridger View Post
That is certainly true.

However, cooperation is a powerful survival tactic. My cooperating tribe of six members is stronger than you alone. My stable alliance of cooperating good tribes is stronger than your ad-hoc, distrustful-of-its-fellow-members alliance of evil tribes. (If for no other reason than I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder at my 'friends' - or at least not to the extent you are.)

You point out good reasons why being evil operates against cooperation, and thus ultimately works against survival. And not because the game rules artificially impose penalties on being evil, but rather because the very nature of evil imposes those penalties.

(And by the way, since the topic of this thread is, 'How will alignment figure into all this', the points you raise aren't tangents at all. They're directly on point.)
Yes but no matter what even a good tribe can be evil behind the scenes. At least an Evil tribe is honest for what it is. Also totally agree cooperation is the key to survival (like I said even the aggressive know they can't always be aggressive). In truth every tribe will look after its own interest, at least with an evil alliance we expect to be betrayed and take steps to defend ourselves against even our allies.

While when you're working with the "Good" aligned you can never be sure when they may betray you, but it will happen. When resources get too scarce to support such a big alliance that's when diplomacy breaks down and you have no choice but to fight, or at least that's how a few may see it. My point is in a PA world no alliance can truly be trusted because everybody has to work for their own survival first.
the vid helps sums up my point again....doesn't help I like the quote lol.

I mean their are more than one way to be evil than just killing a person, such as hiring somebody to kill/steal for you. If wanted to pretend to be diplomatic yet get the resources I needed from you, I would hire a tribe of "bandits" to get them from you.

btw I disagree with the whole concept of good and evil, so I'm trying to fill the shoes of the evil role to argue this out lol I understand both the concept of good and evil but I hardly ever think things are black and white. Everything to me is a shade of grey (though some things are way into the black for me, but that's another discussion). Killing something with context can be considered black but killing because you need to survive or your family needs to survive. Could that be considered evil? Is that good though? all a matter of perspective.

Believe it or not regardless of some of our bigger members enjoying a good troll or a gank here or there, Pandemic isn't an evil tribe. We do actually have strong morals and will be enacted when the game goes live(though I didn't say those morals were always gone about the right way). Btw wanted to throw that out their so you (or the bored few reading this) didn't think just because Pandemic seems to be evil doesn't mean it is (perspective).

EDIT: wanted to add that I'm really enjoying the debate. lol. Abstract ideas are fun.