I suddenly realized last night, as I was thinking about all this, that we're forgetting about a complicating feature that will be added - eventually - into the mix. When (if?) the alignment system is implemented, good / neutral players won't be able to attack other good / neutral players without paying a heavy price. Specifically; you stand to lose your good /neutral status and you risk being ejected from your tribe. (At least that's how I read the features list.)

I'm wondering what effect that will have on game play.

Would it be that if you're good / neutral, you travel throughout the game in your own little portable, provisional safe zone? ('Provisional' in that it only applies if the other person isn't evil aligned.) "I'm good. You're good. We're not going to fight, at least not to any conclusive decision. But I want the stuff in this junk pile, and you want the stuff in this junk pile, and we both can't have it. How are we going to resolve this?"