Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
I'm nervous because we're going to start with such a scarcity of resources. It will let me solo, however.

On the other hand, now solo players will have no choice but to settle directly on top of scrap heaps, or else risk losing access as tribes expand and not even be able to defend ourselves at the nearby heaps, since they'll now be on tribal land.

So I guess we'll see how it goes.

Edited to add: Jesus, what if a tribe fences us in?
Just a thought...have you explored the entire land mass? Are you so certain that the only junk piles are the ones right by the starting towns? I have spent the past couple weeks running all over the damn place. I found tons of junk piles in the most unlikely locations like on the top of mountains, etc.

Is finding these secluded junk piles easy? Not as easy as plopping down right where you first spawn in game, but not really that hard either. For the solo'er who doesn't want to deal with the crowds, a little exploration will probably go an awful long way.

Remember, a large tribe isn't going to bother with a small junk pile that is not near a large flat area. Not many people want to terraform an entire freaking mountain.