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  1. #1
    I think over all he has pleased everyone.. I will have to wait and see how or if my homestead being surrounded will effect me.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Tandarie View Post
    - Homesteads will not be able to be placed within a tribe’s maximum radius.
    - Tribes will check placement using a middle radius distance from homesteads. This will allow tribes to expand, potentially enclosing homesteads in the way. Homesteads will have priority over their zones. Tribes will have to negotiate with the homestead if they want it removed.

    Negotiate lol... So lemme get this right. I put up a homestead and build on it for a month. A tribe decides they like the area I am in and places their totem down, they expand and I am completely surrounded by a potential PVP tribe and they are supposed to negotiate with me until I leave? And I pretty much have to because I have no way to leave my land and defend myself because I'm on thiers? AND I get less land.. Awesome.

    I'll be honest at this point I just want to play the game for keeps already.. but this is so disappointing.
    I know, it's so unrealistic that larger entities expand & engulf smaller entities!!! It's not like big companies buy out smaller competitors. It's not like countries have ever tried to expand their borders & taken control of smaller countries in their expansion path. This is lame because there is absolutely no basis for it in the whole of human history.

  3. #3
    well done and thank you

  4. #4
    So will 'clans' turn into tribes if they recieve 10 members?

  5. #5
    So ... Solo players get walked all over because of their playstyle ..........

    We get even less area now , and tribes can now surround our " smaller " area , thereby making it so we can NOT leave the area without stepping into another tribes , just because they decided " oh , i like where he / she has set up " .

    Hypothetical situation:- , A Homesteader sets up in an out of the way area whree there is a small junk pile , is there for a few months, not burnign through the junk as the soloer doesn't need to, then some " tribe " decides they now want that area , set up next door and bascially have their land surround the homesteader forcing either the homesteader to move , or face having to step straight into what would become and enemy tribes area , just to leave his her own .

    Nice one , so thats 30% of the community roughly that were going solo ............. ( thats only counting the forum goers ) .

    Also , you originally said your server couldn't handle all the players but now it can ..... You really expect poeple to stick around through lag / server crashes for the " first month or so " ... cause they won't , and launching like that could quite possibly kill the game .
    If the next launch is as bad as the 18th Feb was , players will drop this like a hot rock .

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by galagah View Post
    Trying everything for now .
    - that's your forum sig. you should try it.

  7. #7
    Keeping everyone regardless of playstyle on one server should be priority and it looks like the devs agree. Each playstyle will have to concede on some issues for the bigger goal of a great sandbox game, but i think we can do it, big thumbs up for making this decision.

  8. #8
    I think that maybe on the other hand, tribes should be able to give permission for a person to create a homestead on tribe land. Maybe make a permission window in the totem, that way the homesteader is not obligated to be part of the tribe but can purchase or trade (or offer goods) in exchange for a small chunk of land to call their own possibly under the protection of the encompassing tribe.
    I don't see whey it has to be only vice versa where a tribe encompasses an already placed homestead. Let the tribe allow homesteaders on their land. Will create some great social interaction.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Defu View Post
    So will 'clans' turn into tribes if they recieve 10 members?
    Probably need to disband and recreate totem.

    Now our agenda as a community is to suggest a system that will prevent as much exploitation and give the greatest compromise.

  10. #10
    Also, in a month or two they're expanding the game world. Do you really think with all that new land & all those new junk piles beyond the mist that everyone is always gonna stay forever in the same spot around the lake?
    Intriguing question.

    If a tribe has spent all that time and effort to build a sophisticated, defensible infrastructure, will they want to abandon it all and strike off into the wilderness just to claim a finite new resource? Surely some will.

    And surely, some won't. Some will chance hanging on to what they've built on the gamble that they can craft/trade/whatever so well, they can have others bring those resources to them and benefit from their established infrastructure. Maybe the developers might even grant those long-established settlements some kind of benefit for that decision over time. (Their larger, heavier forges are more efficient. Their grand temples attract more favor from the deities. Etc.)

    It could be fun to watch this develop.

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