I honestly have to say I am very displeased by the whole thing.. 1st they say there will be two servers good and evil.. then change their minds over night?
This shows me that there is no real direction and if someone is quick to sway their thoughts and actions to please the masses then how stable are they to be leaders?

The people who had a problem with having to go over to a PVP server was the same jerks that prey on the crafters and weavers and the peaceful people for an easy kill.. they are the same people who are scared to be on a leveled playing ground with people that would give them a fair fight.

This game is interesting to me.. I love it on many levels.. but, this whole thing about saying one thing then doing another will make it so I will want no part in this..

I would love to help, be a part of a new thing etc..

But, let's be clear.. Limited options, unfair advantages, a non leveled playing field.. swaying thought, views and or emotions etc is not sometrhing I can have faith in paying for.

Got it together and give us "carebears" something to be safe in and enjoy the world WE HELP PAY FOR.