Quote Originally Posted by mrcalhou View Post
Dub, I agree that it's not perfect, and I still don't get Xsyon's insistence on mutalism for warfare, but I do think it's a good comprimise with other zones being opened up as non-safe. I honestly wouldn't mind him extending the safe zones to be some of the land between tribal zones when new, conquerable, areas open up.

At least with the way it is now, players could stalk the crafting alts. That's what I see happening: People are going to mostly focus on cutting off the tribes supply by harrasing the workers (and I mean this like how it's done in an RTS; not as greifing), and they're going to need escorts or something. I really don't think it'll be too bad.
'stalking the crafter alt' - this is actually a really dangers concept for gameplay. when the game gets to the point that we assume every little craft town is someones little arms factory, we really do start closing the door on the little guy.

what's the outcry gonna be when big country's band of wild men take a scorched earth policy on 'independent' trader villagers because Hopi's crafting operations went underground after they flipped their switch (name's just used for example purposes...no flameage intended)? You throw out a big net, yeah you'll get the tuna you were after, but you're also going to kill some dolphins and turtles in the process (TURTLES!11! oh the Horror).

to reiterate...we need to see what the incentives are to go read.
if we're going to have a switch, there needs to be a large benefit to keeping your logistics in house...we need this from an accountability standpoint.