Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
You can attack whoever whenever you want. I thought thats what you wanted? Yet it doesnt come without a price. Thats what all this is about. You want to be agressor and have agression "incentivized" by removing risk from it, i want a balanced system where playing defensively and offensively is equally valid. Risk vs. reward.
Did we read the same update today? And have you actually read my posts today?

You actually can't attack whoever you want whenever you want. People who refuse to flag for war will always be safe in their lands. I'm fine with that, they can stay there all the live long day.

However, I think it's poor form for those people who refuse to take a risk to expect the same rewards as those who do. By flagging for war, I'm willing to risk everything I have built to utter destruction. I'm willing to accept the consequences for my actions. However, I also expect to be rewarded for putting my ass on the line. I won't have a magical safe zone to fall back on if I piss off the wrong people. What's my incentive for flagging? I really hope it's a situation where special resources/recipes are only available to flagged tribes.

I never ever want a situation where there are incentives for aggression with no risk. I actually think we kinda want the same thing. LOL

The post of mine you quoted as a tongue-in-cheek note to Sirius, letting him know that what he considers fun is not what others consider fun. As I said, I'm cool with carebears hiding behind safe zones forever, but they should have to miss out on some incentives since they're unwilling to take a risk.