Hey! I'm a new player to xsyon (played a while ago but stopped to let the game develop) and want to find a tribe to play the game with, some form of voice communication is a must. I'm more of a fighter and action person but enjoy crafting and all the other stuff just as much. I'm very active if the game is fun and I'm in PST so not really looking for tribes who play on the opposite end of the world as me, i play darkfall now but if this game is pretty fun ill probably devote more time here but coming from darkfall i have no problems with dieing and wont rage or anything when bad things happen. IGN is grumbagz send me a msg.
We are a tribe that stick out for eachother in good and bad times.
We have experienced pvp'ers and crafters from the beta that can help people with any questions or aid.
We are a stable vibrant tribe with around 25-30 members.
We use teamspeak 3 comms.
And RL comes always first!
If your interested and curious check our website or recruitment thread.
If you have the time you can also pop into our teamspeak and chat around for a bit!
Goodluck with your choice and have fun playing Xsyon.
My guild Forsaken was the only large guild in Mortal Online to successfully maintain its neutral status even in the face of countless wars. We were at the top of our game in Mortal Online and I expect us to do the same in Xsyon. We are in a pretty remote location, with great resources and only a few neighbors (which are friendly and we have trade relations with them already). Every tribe needs to have their scholars and their warriors to defend themselves. Our mission is to never be the aggressor, we maintained this ideal in Mortal Online only using combat to defend ourselves in times of conflict and I believe we can do it in our time with Xsyon. We have had quite a few people in Mortal Online interested in RP and Lore, and we have set up RP events in the past on MO. If you have no interest in RP then don't worry, a lot of our members do not.
1. We are Neutral, we are never the aggressor but we do defend ourselves.
2. We were the only Large Neutral tribe in MO to successfully hold our neutrality, and we had Neutrality and trading pacts with almost every guild in the game. Currently we have around ten members.
3. We have very active and helpful members
4. We are in a great location with great neighbors.
5. We had RP in MO if that's what your into.
If you want to join or have questions, PM me on the Xyson forums or our Guild forums and we should respond decently fast. If you do decide to join, go to http://forsaken.clangroups.com and make an account, and then post in the application forums, state that you are joining the Xsyon division of Forsaken. From there when I or someone else gets on we will get you the vent info and the xsyon forum password and whatnot. Then we will meet up in-game.
35 members (counting active members ingame, i guess we could pull 300 members or so from our website),
so we aint the biggest but still fairly big in terms of xsyon.
Here you go: We are mainly EU TZ (about 10 US) (that said it doesnt mean we aint looking for other TZ, game doesnt stop just because some go to bed).
We are a established community looking for new members.
We are trying to establish a neutral trading outpost, at the same time we'll act as mercenaries.
We Live next to a river and behind a mountain quite abit away from the central areas so its very viable to live of the land at our location
Images can be found on our website in the forum
The Mercenary role is something we've taken on in every game we've played so far, with more and less success depending on game mechanics but its something we know and live by.
The Trade Outpost is to establish a neutral trade area for everyones benefit, and this is something we will control with the help of our mercs.