Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
Hey whiny baby tribes, guess where the one place a homesteader like me can plant a totem where we're guaranteed access in and out of our land?

I'll give you a hint. It's the one place you don't want us anywhere near.

That's right, the lake. If nothing else, we can swim to and from our homestead. You can't dam it, you can't fence it, and you can't stop us.

Now go ask politely to NOT be allowed to fence in a homesteader.

I'm tired of being polite, myself.

And river, it's a pvp game. If you happen to not know how the majority of players act in a pvp game when faced with competition for scarce resources, man, I don't know what to say to you and I won't even waste my time trying.
Oh I know exactly how they act, and thats why I think your paranoid. Obviously that pisses you off, me saying your paranoid, and I'm truely sorry you feel that way. I just think you are is all. Your answer to save yourself form being mythically walled in by a ficitious tribe that hates you and wants to to go away is to move to the very spot on the map which will inevitibly cause you to have the strife your stiving to avoid.

The lake is the exact wrong spot to be as a homesteader. If you plant there you had better expect to be harrassed on a daily basis just because your there. But hey, thats ok, you go rigth ahead and plant there man, good luck with that.

But here is a hint for you, 'scarce resource' exist in places where people force themselves to coexist in large numbers and deplete the resources that are there. Right now many believe the ONLY place to get scraps is at the large piles on the lake. And these piles WILL be the first ones to dry up. Why? Because so many people want to be where they are.

The resource issue is being created by the very people who are worried about them becoming and issue. And yes, they will become an issue, because every laker thinks they need to farm them dry and stockpile all they can as fast as they can or make and scrap crafted items over and over as quick as they can in order to maximize thier skill gains before thier neighbors can. Its a strip mining mentality and it will come back to bite each and every one of you that lives on that lake. I wish you all well in the mess you will inevitable create for yourselves.