Quote Originally Posted by baka77 View Post
Here is your problem. Pick a less crowded area, mate! I posted this to you in other threads. If you're so concerned about having your plot of land "seized" by a large tribe, just find a more strategic spot to place you totem. Explore a bit & don't plop down at the first or largest junk pile you can find. There are tons of areas out there that have just enough flat land for a home plot & a small nearby junk pile that will never interest any proper tribe.
If the game mechanic allows it, then it will happen. The answer is not to allow it to still happen but blame the homestead owner because he chose a piece of land that fancied him. The answer is to change the game mechanics so this cannot happen.

Why the F would i want to play the game if my playstyle accounts for nothing in this game and any 10yo griefer with 4 friends can drop a totem next to mine, fence me in, wait till i disband and then keep my architecture or destroy it all and reclaim all the resourses in the building structures i made. When resourses are mega scarce this might even be a good tactic just to collect nails, timber etc?