Well so I pre ordered this game, but apparently I am not allowed to play until March 15th? What is the point in allowing those who pre order after the launch of prelude to not be able to participate in prelude?

And will there be one final server wipe? Kind of unfair to let a select few build for a whole month with hardly anyone to fight then all of a sudden introduce a large amount of new players on one day.

Unless, of course, pre lude is just for practice and to get familiar with the game, and that there will be a wipe before official launch. I wish there was, but I doubt there will be.

I just don't see the logic behind allowing people to only join into prelude if they ordered before prelude started.

Awaiting March 15th....but I just fear by then the world will be built up like crazy and that there will be "world powers" so to speak. Tribes that are "too big to fail" because they got such an advantage during prelude.

I just think this whole prelude idea kind of ruined the launch. Correct me where I'm wrong.