The Quality and type of shoes you make to affect stamina drain and the noise you make when running / walking?
Small suggestion i know but i guess it could be something.
The Quality and type of shoes you make to affect stamina drain and the noise you make when running / walking?
Small suggestion i know but i guess it could be something.
I shall be...a sneaky cobbler. *Crafts shoes* *Puts shoes on* *Goes hide mode and terrorizes attack deer and PKers*
Or at very least startles, anyway. This sounds like a good idea.
I like this idea too. Also the encumbrance and inventory weight could affect hiding and the noise you make. To be truly stealthy you could run around naked or in ninja slippers.
as well as not wearing shoes on junk pile, should cause injury to you.
I like the idea.
Just had a thought, wearing no shoes could cause you damage if not on grass, road, sand. Imagine dying as you cross a junk pile barefoot!! LoL
what difference is that going to make when you have a large floating bullshit over your head.
You mean the more or less black name that someone has to click you for to see which is even hard to see then?