So, lost in all the spirited debate about the server setup is this tasty nugget from the original March 4th update:
In a nutshell, this is gonna be a cluster$%*#.3) The final wipe and land rush will proceed in a controlled manner.
On the day of the final wipe, players will be able to enter the game and form their tribe charters, but not claim any land. This will allow tribes to form their groups and find their locations and then log on.
On the second day, players will be able to claim land, but terraforming will be turned off and combat will not be allowed on the Peace server. This will allow players to claim their lands without entire tribes being online, and once totems are placed, players can log off to reduce stress on the servers.
On the third day, everything will be turned on as normal and game play can begin.
We will do this do reduce potential lag and chaos. The goal of the early entry is for tribes and players to settle in, while the game will officially start with a creature reset on the 15th.
People are going to form up on the first day, go to their chosen locations, & either sit there all day or log off until totems can be placed the next day.
At this point, I'm guessing the totem placement will start with a 2nd day server reset. I just don't think this game's code is sophisticated enough to incorporate "timers" on such short notice. Once the server comes back up, the tribe leader will just have to login & plop down the totem.
Easy, right?
Ok, now what if there are 5 tribes that all want the same choice piece of land. Only one of them is going to get it. Which one? Well, whoever has the best PC & is closest to Chicago (server location), of course!!!
Does that make sense to ANYONE? I understand trying to alleviate the opening day lag fest, but this "solution" is tailor made for griefers who only want to "steal" the spots of the large peace-loving tribes (I'm lookin' @ you, Hopi LOL). And even in non-griefing scenarios, somebody is going to feel like they got royally screwed.
And this really won't even impact the lag as much as Jordi is thinking/hoping. People have been salivating for the day this game goes live for months. Just because totem placement is delayed a day doesn't mean that people are going to log on for 5 minutes to form a tribe & then cheerfully log off for the rest of the day.
Instead of an exciting land rush where tribes are fighting & running & fighting while running to get their advantage towards the prime spots...we get an anti-climactic "login land rush" that is almost certain to cause major drama for Jordi on these forums.
So, when you get down to it...we're still going to have lag AND there will be an increased amount of bitching & moaning.
No thanks!!!
Potential solutions discussed within this thread:
1) Revert to original land rush scheme. It won't impact the lag, but neither will the login scheme. At least the original scheme is exciting & gives people a better chance to fight for their rights.
2) Implement an action timer for placing the totem of 1+ minutes. This will allow totem placement to be disputed & will possibly add some fantastic excitement in/around hot spots.
3) Who cares, life sucks, let's play. Obviously not really a solution, so much as bending over & taking it...but some people seem to fine with that.
4) Enable combat on day one, but configure the game so everyone respawns back at the nearest starting/load-in zone (until their totems are placed the next day). This will allow tribes to stake out a location & properly defend it.
*** EDIT ***
Virtus has confirmed that the 3 stage launch is still in effect with the single server. Also, he confirmed there will be no combat enabled for the first two days.