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  1. #1


    hi Jordi.
    could we get one picture of the Creatures by the 15 March every day?
    Beginning with a horse?
    We want to be HOT ...

    Greetings Whorlok (ABT)

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Whorlok View Post
    hi Jordi.
    could we get one picture of the Creatures by the 15 March every day?
    Beginning with a horse?
    We want to be HOT ...

    Greetings Whorlok (ABT)
    Even though i would love to see what type of creatures and have some tease before then - i would actually much more prefer to go into the wilderness randomly while discovering and finding new creatures to kill for specific resorces.

  3. #3
    You want fries with that?

    shit man, it's launch week for a game and you think its makers have extra time? they're lucky to have time to sleep.

  4. #4
    Xsyon Citizen Zarin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Denver, Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by xenoclix View Post
    Even though i would love to see what type of creatures and have some tease before then - i would actually much more prefer to go into the wilderness randomly while discovering and finding new creatures to kill for specific resorces.

    It's worth the surprise.

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