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  1. #571

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    EDIT: Sorry for late post, I'm at work and had to step away for a little bit.

    sisler86 wrote:

    These are my personal beliefs:

    1. I do not believe that Non-PvP players should be safe anywhere, however, I also believe that they should never be forced to PvP if they choose not to. My remedy for this is safe zones for those who absolutely do not like PvP.
    MrDDT wrote:
    Im not doubting your opinion but its not clear here, you are flip flopping.

    You say no they shouldnt be safe anywhere, but then say there should be safe zones. Doesnt make since. Again no an opinion on your beliefs just confusion of them.
    I am sure she can answer for herself, But what I think what she was saying was that she feels like there should be no safe aerea's for people that don't want anything to do with PVP(I would have to ask why buy the game then), But if there has to be something done for them. A safe zone for all non-PVP players is what would work..

    I am not a big PvP, And I am sure that many of you will find me a fast kill, But I do love the feeling that any minute that someone could cut me down.
    The only PVP I have really done is in EQ2 when they first added it to the game,I know most of you would not call the real PVP, But that's the only type I have played. And even at that, I only went out with large groups. So I think I will be staying close to home and hoping that my tribe will keeps me as safe as you can get in the game.

  2. #572

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    VowOfSilence wrote:
    JCatano wrote:
    EVE isn't having any problems.
    EVE has huge carebear safe zones...

    That happens 24/7. Totally safe! :P

  3. #573

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    I like safe zones (its the same as PvP zones just from the other point of view), but since the game has open-PvP it seems it wasn't the developers choice....if it was, the safe zones would need to be big enough to keep the non-PvPers entertained and not make them feel locked in.If we want to be fair to both sides then safe-PvP zones should be 50-50% of the whole map, but I'm sure noone would be happy with this version.

    For me it seems so that the developers want to keep one open world without zones (except towns), but still they want to give the opportunity to non-PvP players to avoid forced PvPing. Virtus said that the removal or modification of the current combat mode is not an option, so I guess they are going into this direction, not safe zones.

  4. #574

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    Beyond spatial protection (safe zones) there also can be "logical protections" that are not bound to any spatial place.

    For example a safety that makes it impossible for much higher level players to attack, hurt or whatever another player who's much lower.

    In wow terms: disallow pvp between players who have more than 10 levels of difference. Think about it: what chance does a level 40 have vs a level 50? And, on the other side, what does a level 50 gain from a level 40? The gear would be so low it's near to useless for the higher level.

    Also, this would only apply between tribes not a war. Warring tribes could have no safety at all.

  5. #575

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    Give new players a few safe zones that have the things needed to get them ready for the rest of the game.

    Rest of the game should be FFA loot and open PvP. I know some don't like this, but for me it makes the game more exciting. Take WoW for example. Could open world PvP but there was no consequence, it was just griefing, so this was just people being pure f**ktards.

    Take Darkfall. Open world PvP, but FFA loot. If someone killed you and took yourstuff you could go get them back and take their stuff.

    Would like Xsyon to expand on that tho, ain't sure entirely how to do that tho. Maybe bounty boards to highlight people going ape on the PK'ing, thats for the devs to create.

  6. #576

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    Deadman Munn wrote:
    Give new players a few safe zones that have the things needed to get them ready for the rest of the game.

    Rest of the game should be FFA loot and open PvP. I know some don't like this, but for me it makes the game more exciting. Take WoW for example. Could open world PvP but there was no consequence, it was just griefing, so this was just people being pure f**ktards.

    Take Darkfall. Open world PvP, but FFA loot. If someone killed you and took yourstuff you could go get them back and take their stuff.

    Would like Xsyon to expand on that tho, ain't sure entirely how to do that tho. Maybe bounty boards to highlight people going ape on the PK'ing, thats for the devs to create.
    This game isn't a PvP focused one, though it has PvP to entertain the players who like it. The PvP feature should please the PvPers, while it shouldn't piss off the peaceful players. This goal can be achieved by a system which encourage competitive and challenging fights, while at the same time it gives the opportunity to avoid PvP for the ones who choose so.

    Since Darkfall is absolutely focused on PvP, I think you shouldn't expect Xsyon to be anything like that, or even an expanded version of it.

    Edit: if I remember correctly, bounty system is in the game, players can set a bounty price on evil players.

  7. #577

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    Edit: if I remember correctly, bounty system is in the game, players can set a bounty price on evil players.

    I think they can do it on any player, but Im not sure. Just makes them bad joo joo or something.

  8. #578

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    Deadman Munn wrote:
    Give new players a few safe zones that have the things needed to get them ready for the rest of the game.

    Rest of the game should be FFA loot and open PvP. I know some don't like this, but for me it makes the game more exciting. Take WoW for example. Could open world PvP but there was no consequence, it was just griefing, so this was just people being pure f**ktards.

    Take Darkfall. Open world PvP, but FFA loot. If someone killed you and took yourstuff you could go get them back and take their stuff.

    Would like Xsyon to expand on that tho, ain't sure entirely how to do that tho. Maybe bounty boards to highlight people going ape on the PK'ing, thats for the devs to create.
    Yes, this game isn't PvE focused. Even though the prelude might have more restriction to open pvp, that will loosen-up as the game progresses, which is a pretty good system.

    And there will be consequences to PvP, not realized in Darkfall. So yes, the game is player-centric, and you will should have ample opportunity to pvp and get alot of fun out of it.

    So, again, even though safe-areas would be more prevalent in the starting map area (Prelude), the game shouldn't gravitate to an open gank-fest as Darkfall is, but ease players into more individual and tribal conflict as the game opens up.

  9. #579

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    This whole thread is a classic "chicken or the egg" scenario.

  10. #580

    Re:PvP vs. PK and some general impressions

    The chicken or the egg causality dilemma is commonly stated as "which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

    To ancient philosophers, the question about the first chicken or egg also evoked the questions of how life and the universe in general began.

    Cultural references to the chicken and egg intend to point out the futility of identifying the first case of a circular cause and consequence. It could be considered that in this approach lies the most fundamental nature of the question. A literal answer is somewhat obvious, as opposed to the logical fallacy of the metaphorical view, which sets a metaphysical ground on the dilemma.

    So, to understand its metaphorical meaning better, it could be reformulated as follows: "Which came first, X that can't come without Y, or Y that can't come without X?

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