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  1. #1

    If I pre-order...

    Hey guys.

    I would like to know, if I pre-order the game right now, would I be allowed into the Prelude?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy8 View Post
    Hey guys.

    I would like to know, if I pre-order the game right now, would I be allowed into the Prelude?
    The prelude is not the same as pre-launch. Prelude is the game from launch to about 6-9months from now, during this time there will be safezones in people's tribe/homestead zones. If you pre-order now you will get access to the current beta, pre-launch starting this thursday, two and a half months of free gametime, and a special pre-order weapon/tool.

  3. #3
    So if I got this right, preordering means you get beta access now and the game launches at 14th march? Or was it delayed?

  4. #4
    Hi Grable;

    The beta is all but over, Today ( Thursday at 6am PST ) the game begins a soft launch, where tribe charters can be formed in preparation for the land rush on Friday.
    You will be able to place totems on Friday, and then Saturday everything gets turned on and your adventure will begin. The actual official launch is The 15th, however preorders will have a couple days headstart.

  5. #5
    Hey guys. I'm a newbie too, and this is probably the biggest question before I pre-order the game.
    I just want to make sure I'm absolutely clear on this before I spend money. If I pre order the game this very second, will I be able to play Xsyon right away?

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Virtus View Post
    yes you can
    Cheers. I'll probably buy it immediately, then.


    Oh. I had another question.

    I live in England, and the card I would like to pay with is a Visa Debit. Is this allowed/accepted?
    Also, is there any way to pay for my subscription (Not just the actual digital download) via Paypal?

  8. #8
    YEs debit cards work, (used it myself, a visa version) and paypal is a option but atm it will try defaulth to use your debit card as there are no sub options yes (seeing as you get 2 months playtime they got plenty of time to enable that )

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