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  1. #1

    Order, Counter-Order = Disorder

    Gentlemen Devs of Xsyon;

    Make up your minds: Branchez-vous ostie !

    Please STOP changing the tribe size or whatever group to include new groups for everyone. Stop trying to please everyone you are just making things more complicated for all of us; Especially 3 days before the final Wipe. We have a saying in the military:
    Order, Counter-Order, Disorder or Disaster. Especially before your H hour.

    Please no more new sub sub tribe groups such as "Pals" (2-3) "Drinking Buddies" (6-7 members) or "Horde" (100+).

    We all understand and agree that the world will be a crowded place; especially around junkyards and you know what; its fine. Not everyone can have their cookie. They are just gonna have to fight for it.

    Stop trying to bend over like a contortionist from Cirque du Soleil and tell people to "s... it up princess".

    thank you.

  2. #2
    We can't fight for land for next 6+ months and even then not every one will choose it. The point of this change is not to please people, but to make more territories different in size, 10 people tribe had the same amount of land reserved as 60 men tribe. This change is to make scrap pile areas more crowded and leave more "wild" areas for animals.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    /signed stamped stepped on

    This game is doomed if this guy keeps changing things like this....I would rather have no announcements at all...then have them daily and they keep

    "In addition, tribes will be able to place totems at starter areas except for Founder's Isle. However, these will still be safe zones without combat or terraforming. The safe zones will be removed after we set starting zones based on tribe locations (tribes will be able to specify if they want a start zone near their tribe or not)."

    What in the heck does that mean?

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen Haunt's Avatar
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    This side of Awesome
    What this does is further strengthen Carebear Zerg tribes like the ones that rhyme with Sloppy. Give them control over a larger area of the game, and allow them to keep that whole area of the game a "safezone". While smaller groups of friends (like my Tribe... Clavenova... err wait... Band... no that that's not right... Gang... Bookclub... Uhm Clan... whatever) will have less area they can claim and control.

    I am now convinced that the creators of this game are retired politicians. You cannot believe anything they say and you can be sure that what they tell you now is only good for the amount of time they deem it good for.

    Just in the short month that I have been in the game they have stated a few major, rock solid statements about the game and went back on them. I fear for the future... what changes next update?

  6. 03-08-2011, 07:24 AM

  7. #6
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    Politicians....haha good analogy...

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Haunt View Post
    What this does is further strengthen Carebear Zerg tribes like the ones that rhyme with Sloppy. Give them control over a larger area of the game, and allow them to keep that whole area of the game a "safezone". While smaller groups of friends (like my Tribe... Clavenova... err wait... Band... no that that's not right... Gang... Bookclub... Uhm Clan... whatever) will have less area they can claim and control.

    I am now convinced that the creators of this game are retired politicians. You cannot believe anything they say and you can be sure that what they tell you now is only good for the amount of time they deem it good for.

    Just in the short month that I have been in the game they have stated a few major, rock solid statements about the game and went back on them. I fear for the future... what changes next update?
    We're not a zerg tribe and never wanted to be.

    What's the point in having tribe if you can't reach max size of it? To keep other tribes away?

    Placing a tribe totem you reserve 220 or 250m radius around your totem, if you can't or don't want to reach the limit you're only blocking others from settling near you.
    If we're overcrowded with tribes, not players, it's a good move. I prefer this over splitting in 2 servers.

    If Jooky has to change his mind to improve the gameplay, I'm fine with it as long as he doesn't change core design.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BigCountry View Post

    This game is doomed if this guy keeps changing things like this....
    This game is NOT doomed if the developers make adjustments and changes to fix unexpected problems. This change was not made because people complained about a situation. It's to give more room to the creatures so they don't get pushed into the mist too quickly and ruin thier behavior.

    This is an MMO. And in every MMO I've ever played there has always been adjustments and changes to make things more balanced.

    It's good that he is finding potential future problem now and fixing them before launch, instead of just saying "Screw it, maybe this problem will work it self out".

    We need to cut down on the drama.

  10. #9
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiolaja View Post
    We need to cut down on the drama.
    We are not causing the drama. He is. Says one thing, then days later (heck sometimes hours), he says something else.

    He should just do weekly announcements. Put some more thought into what's going to take place. It's hard to trust anyone that's so wishy washy. You lose our trust, you lose your community.

    I use to hate not having announcements when I first starting playing Darkfall...we could not stand Tasos for it, but now I understand why it was like that and why his announcements were so sparse. You do not tell your community anything until it's set in stone and ready - so they can adjust themselves properly to your game. No one wants to have their time wasted, it's sorta amateurish. Sandbox, themepark, indy, massive, it does not matter - it's simply bad business practice.

    Mortal Online made an art out of this.....

  11. #10
    the problem i have with current revision of the tribal configs, isn't necessarily the radii of the entity, its the lock down it places on members.

    I can lose members, and redux in tribe type/size. Great.
    I am hard capped at the number of members i can have? wtf?

    Our happy little band is 15ish...doubt we'll hit the 20 mark.
    however, i have a solid 25-30 guildies that are kinda sittin around watching to see what happens, where if the game moves in the 'right' direction over thenext couple of months, they would like purchase the game. Now in this scenario, I'd have to go find a new place to live, in a world that would be crowded, AND in a world where i don't have the ability to forcibly evict someone from their area because i'm a bad neighbor and need to expand.

    I'm sure we're not the only group in this situation.

    it does give a very big territorial advantage to those entities that are large now. I'm nto sure why they need it.

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