the problem i have with current revision of the tribal configs, isn't necessarily the radii of the entity, its the lock down it places on members.

I can lose members, and redux in tribe type/size. Great.
I am hard capped at the number of members i can have? wtf?

Our happy little band is 15ish...doubt we'll hit the 20 mark.
however, i have a solid 25-30 guildies that are kinda sittin around watching to see what happens, where if the game moves in the 'right' direction over thenext couple of months, they would like purchase the game. Now in this scenario, I'd have to go find a new place to live, in a world that would be crowded, AND in a world where i don't have the ability to forcibly evict someone from their area because i'm a bad neighbor and need to expand.

I'm sure we're not the only group in this situation.

it does give a very big territorial advantage to those entities that are large now. I'm nto sure why they need it.