Originally Posted by
They are almost always started with just a few and over time they build up to large numbers.
You're looking at data about tribes based on a period over time and not what it takes to start a tribe in one day.
These restrictions about tribes doesn't make sense.
It's being setup in a way that benefits what most people will carll Zergs and the only tribes in this game that are zergs right now are the ones from beta.
My tribe has an advantage, we've been around since beta - this game shouldn't cater to tribes like this.
Everyone on day 1 of luanch day should have the same oppurtunity to build and grow with this game. I don't understand why a decision that only benefits tribes who have been around since before the game has even luanched would be included in day 1 of launch day.
It doesn't matter how much we helped out with testing or finding bugs, etc - you have to be fair to everyone on launch day.
You can deminish in tribe status, but you can't grow with player count - that doesn't even make sense to me imo.
We really need to rethink how tribes work.
This is how it should be:
There can only be tribes in this game, your territory grow's based on member count. Max radius from another tribes border when setting a totem = 100m.
In a land rush it's about getting land, if you feel like your area is over crowded go somewhere else.
Allow tribes to be started with 1 person.
Edited: Do not allow tribes to place a totem within 50m of a scrap pile, this prevents exploits by large tribes that could have solo tribes started to claim up all the scrap piles. (tribe border can engulf a scrap pile if the tribe grows large enough and there is not an existing tribe in your way.)
Do away with settelements, bands, and clans, please!
This allows tribes to grow and shrink based on member count and it still keeps solo to small group players confined in a smaller area that can be picked for resources outside their actual owned territory.
And then the only thing that would need to be done is make it so that unsubbed accounts drop from the totem so that if a solo, small group, or large tribe goes inactive then their totem goes away.
Max tribe radius would still be 200m.
Radius would not overlap another tribe, which means your tribe growth could be blocked as it should in a resource heavy and territory control heavy game. However, you still have the ability to control a minimum of 100m radius, which is 200m across your owned territory.