Truck Boat Tribe
Who we are and our experience:
- At our core is a group of players who have been playing together a long time. We have played many games for many years now, and through our progression have ended up at Xsyon. We most recently left DCUO on the Death and Glory server where TBT was a PvP powerhouse.
-We are not looking for applications or to have to go through some monkey bar challenge we want to get you in vent, talk to you, and see who you are and if you fit in. No drama, No stupid games.
-We are just a chill group of people looking to expand and make a highly successful conquest tribe.
What we play this game for:
- We are here to have fun and make a tribe that will rival the best. We are a conquest tribe at heart so PvP and taking over other tribes will be a lot of our fun. We do have many crafters who just want to be able to craft in peace and that’s cool the more people the better.
-We provide a safe haven for anyone from crafters, PvE players, all the way through to hardcore PvP players will find TBT is a great home.
What we can offer members:
-All players
We can offer that as long as you are not the only person online (which is not likely). You will not have to go outside of our base alone for any reason. Ensuring your safety and the safety of your hard earned gear and weapons. No matter what path in this game you chose there will be other players to help you reach any goals you may have. If you need gear, materials, or you just need people to kill someone who keeps messing with you TBT can help! Along with giving you a home!
We can offer a safe place to craft, safe ways of getting materials, and people to help you get the materials you may need.
We can offer protection for when you are out gathering and finding things to collect. Also players to help craft gear with collected items.
We can offer PvP parties and groups so you never have to hunt other players alone. If you do die there will be someone there to protect your body from being looted!
How we work as a tribe:
-Tribe leaders help organize the group and take votes on the important choices.
-We are a tribe we decide things as a tribe. i.e. voting on decisions
-No ranking system. (We will have Leaders/Officers)
-Everyone is equal whether or not you just craft, kill, protect, or scavenge.
-Everyone is expected to help each other out.
-You are not required to pay to be in the tribe or any other BS. You’re just expected to help tribe mates out (That may mean protecting someone while they get materials, crafting gear for a member, collecting materials for crafters, or just joining a PvP party to help kill.)
-PvP players will protect crafters and scavengers when they go out for supplies, as crafters will supply gear and the like for the PvP players.
-No one is limited to only being a crafter, fighter, or scavenger. You do what you want as long as you are contributing to the tribe and it’s members.
-Ventrilo is REQUIRED. We have a server and it makes communicating so much easier.
-Most of all come here to have fun and meet people who want to play.
What we are looking for:
-Keeping this very small only about 20 players so spots are very limited.
-Anyone who wants to play this game and have a lot of fun.
Contacting us:
-If this sounds like something you or your tribe are interested in please feel free to message me on the forums and I can give you ventrilo info so you can come in and talk with us.