191st Expeditionary Battalion
The Wolverines
The Wolverines are a chapter of the RP-PvP Guild the Silver Sun Republic. You can check us out at http://www.silversunrepublic.com to get more info and apply for the unit.
Quick Facts
Background: Military unit out of Las Vegas, NV
Playstyle: PvPing Roleplayers
Voice Comm: Teamspeak 3 Use Mandatory
Diplomatic Stance: Open to trade and diplomacy
During the apocalypse the federal government was severely weakened and as expected new regional states began to take shape. In the Lake Tahoe Basin both Nevada and Northern California fought to regain control over one of the last remaining sources of fresh water. The government in Nevada was re-established in Las Vegas as the Vegas Republic.
A meager military was patched together from surrounding former federal and national guard units that have become based out of Nellis AFB on the northern outskirts of the city. Several forward deployed units have been sent out to secure key holdings and strategic points.
The 191st Expeditionary Battalion aka The Wolverines has been deployed in the Lake Tahoe region to recon the area and establish an operational presence. Upon hearing that communist elements had begun operating in the area the unit was tasked with controlling any foreign entities.
The mission of the Wolverines is to establish local trade and monitor for enemy activity. Priority one is to eradicate any communist presence while supporting elements friendly to the local population and the New Vegas Republic. Higher headquarters has authorized diplomatic activity with field command level. The unit is also authorized the recruitment and training of auxiliary forces from within the local populace.
The unit is divided into two elements: Operations and Mission Support. Tactical Assault Teams and their necessary field support components fall under Operations while Civil Engineers and Logistics elements fall under Mission Support.
The ranks are as follows:
One Captain billet is authorized to command the unit, while the Operations and Mission Support elements are commanded by Lieutenants.
Sergeants will command each sub-section and team while Privates and Specialists fill in the ranks.
An example of the org chart