The year is 2012. Our name is Legion.
Untold years ago, the elder society of Rome waged and unrelenting war across Eurasia in a bid to bring the world to order,
spreading from Italy through southern Europe toward Britannia. The Roman legions of Caesar spread like wildfire, killing
everyone and everything in sight to bring the barbarians to their knees. By 210AD, Emperor Septimus Severus controlled a vast part
of Europe and the Arabias. Upon reaching the Britannic isles, the legions of Rome met a deadly adversary. The Picts.
The high consul of Rome decided to send one of their best generals Aturias to eliminate them. Aturias took post on the furthest outpost
of Rome, Hadrians Wall. A grand wall spanning the width of the British isle, tall and impregnable. The Pictish assaulted the wall, time and
time again, to no avail as Arturias's fame grew, along with the pics hate.
A druid by the name of Merlin foresaw Aturias and set out to meet him, as the visions revealed that this man would bring peace to the Britannic isles.
When Aturias learned of this, he and a band of 7 men sallied forth from Hadrian’s Wall to meet this magic man. Aturias arrived at the meeting place
to find an old ragged man who went by the name "Merlin". They spoke for a while about things past, present and future...
The old man spoke of a time far in the future where Rome spanned the entirety of the Euro-Asian continent, had technologies that men could not dream of.
Flying machines, Machines of war, machines for travel, they had it all; a thriving utopia of peace and prosperity, a true paradise.
But Modern Rome did not cover the entire world; they had not explored the Americas. Many believed this land did not exist. Many stories were told by
parents to their children at bed time. Some, drunk in the bars between old men. Scholars and explorers argue non-stop about this fabled continent,
one side believing it exists, the other not. The high consul sided with the believers and sent an expeditionary group across the Atlantic Ocean to
find and conquer the land.
He told of a group being sent to kill and destroy the indigenous tribes and bring the undiscovered land into the folds of Modern Rome.
This legion was led by a group of Moderati. Hallendra, Kombi and LiquidBlade. They landed on the eastern shores after a month’s seafaring, getting lost,
finding islands and storms. After they landed, they explored the lands for resources and signs of human life. The Americas were a barren wasteland,
poisoned and scorched by unknown means.
There was no life here. After two years of searching the group decided to head back to the boat and report their findings. Traveling back from the north,
they happened upon a tribe of humans. They looked like the painted men in children’s books wielding axes with feathers in their hair. They spoke no Latin
but the signs they made were easily understandable. The tribesmen explained that further west is a large lake that has many tribes living around it. They
don't venture there as it is an unholy ground, but they provided a map to this unknown lake. The tribesman repeated a word "Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe" which the group
assumes was the lakes name.
With new hopes and the promise of adventure, the group set off to find the lake. A few days of travel the group found it. Nestled inside a grand valley,
the lake shone out like a beacon of hope. The group spotted several tribe grounds, ranging from teepees to large walled compounds. On the journey into the valley,
the group encountered a Tribe that spoke Latin. They learned that the Americas were a barren wasteland of death and despair. Nothing grew out there, nothing survived.
But the valley provided protection from the wastes so the survivors could settle. The lake was beautiful rolling hills and mountains surrounded it on all sides. Smaller
lakes nestled in hillsides and huge flowing waterfalls. Hallendra could not believe this beauty could exist and questioned the high consul about destroying this land.
The group sat and talked through the night with the Tribal leader and decided to throw off their ties with Rome and settle.
Aturias sat back and pondered the old man’s words. The old man said something that chilled Aturias to his bones; he said "For this future to exist, I must live.
If I die, no one will know what lies ahead" Aturias looked at the man and stood drawing his sword. He rested it on the ground at the old man’s feet and said
"The future holds a lot, and I’d be a damn fool to ruin it". He turned and walked away from Merlin, walking toward a bright future.
Created by: Zayne