I have same dillema ^^ Cant decide how to set atributtes for my char.

As it comes for "combat atributes" the problem is if you actually will have that much oportunity to fight. I spend around 10 hours of running around, traveling far from "civilisation" and populated area. And during that time i only encountered 1 animal, it was bear who paradoxally i found near one of starting locations/ I know that at release they are going to increase the numbers at animals but would be enough to be for example a full time hunter(and for example bonecrafter as secondary "profession"? Something tells me that for many months this game will be only crafting oriented with very ocassional pvp unless there will be a lot of animals in "wilderness" and hunting will become a vailable choice

Strenght - seems like pretty importand stat, even if there wont be much fighting it decides how much stuff you can carry, can be usefull if you wont be living in a junkpile and you will have to make longer trips for resources.
Fortitude - my personal favorite from "combat atributes" I think im gonna have it pretty high.
Agility, as far as i read this atribute is very importand for combat, and actually only combat, so actually i dont know what to do it with it ;P Thinking about leaving it at 50, but on the other hand if there will be a lot of animals added and hunting could be a vialable "profession" i may regret not putting points into it ^^
Dexterity - seems like a first atribute to max or keep high for everybody since Xsyon is so much "crafting oriented"
Intelligence- here i have a problem too ^^ If you are going into architecture it seems to be importand stat but manual says it also afects things like scavenging and all crafts, but how much? I have no idea
Perception - seems like importand stat for scavangers, im gonna keep it high

And we come to the two stats I have completly no idea what to do with. Seems for me like they are pretty useless for now since most of things they affect arent in game yet - and who knows how much it takes to implement things like healing or animal timing in game. I wonder whats that luck fail exacly is and how much influence it has for example for crafting. Im very tempted to set in on minimal and boost other skills thx to that ;P
As for Spirit i was thinking to set it to minimal like Charm but i noticed something disturbing during that couple of days i played. I set it to 10 on my char. I played all the time with few friends, we were basically doing same stuff together all the way, and during all that time i lvled only once while they all lvled 4-5 times(i mean general exp bar). They all had Charm set to around 60-70... so maybe this atribute have some big influence on exp gain?

I'm gonna go with toolcrafting as main craft and probably one of armor crafting skills, aditionally i will be doing a lot of scavenging for sure. But I would like also to be able to go hunting and not be killed by a squirrel or something ;D so its hard for me to came with some reasonal atributes biuld(especially that i m not exalcy sure how much influence they have on gameplay )

Those are only my thoughts and concerns about atributes subject. But keep in mind its based only on few days of playing, reading forums and talking with ppl on IRC. So please dont kill me if im tottally wrong ^^
I would love to hear more experieced players thoughts and opinions about atributes and their influence on actuall gameplay cheers
PS. And sorry for my english ;P